In order to inject fresh blood into the Youth League Organization of Food w88 sports betting,Further strengthen the w88 sports betting’s Youth League organization,Building a high-quality student organization team,September 20201日morning,Food w88 sports betting Youth League Student Organization Reelection Defense DefenseatOnlinetoTencent conference will be held,Hosted by classmate Niu Minjie,Zhao Min, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of the w88 sports betting,Counselor Ji Yangyang、Qiu Yingxuan,Members of the presidium of the Youth League Academic Organization serve as judges,Total candidates for the Youth League Student Organization defense33 peopleAttend the meeting.
Reelection defense meetingPrevious,Niu Minjie introduces the participating defense personnel and process regulations to everyone. Zhao MinSecretaryMadeONfieldSpeech,Conduct on reserve personnelIncentive,and proposedcorrespondingrequest。After the defense officially begins,Students will complete the time limit according to the serial number3 minutes of myselfStatement,Dear candidatesPPT format,About self-introduction、Personal advantages、Work experience、Preparation for future planning and outlook etc.,JudgeThe group asks questions about the shortcomings of the candidates,And provide guidance for student organizations to better carry out their work。Food w88 sports bettingFullbodyMembers of the Youth League Study Organization uphold the concept of leading and serving students,Summary the past and look forward to the future in the defense,Full displayFood w88 sports betting Youth League Student OrganizationSerious and responsible work attitudeandFull spiritual outlook。
This defensemarks the Youth League Committee of the w88 sports betting、Student Union、The Youth Association and the Federation of Social Workers officially began to change their terms,Vitality for construction、With system、Have skills、Thoughtful、Innovative、Laying a good foundation for educated and high-quality student organizations。