Remember the revolutionary martyrs and continue the red blood
Time: 2024-11-19 Author: Number of views: 10

11month14Sunday morning,School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology、From Ocean w88 sports betting app and Marx w88 sports betting app30Yu development targets went to Zhenjiang Martyrs Cemetery with reverence to receive patriotic education,In memory of those revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people。

In the cemetery,The students first visited the memorial hall,Through precious historical photos and physical exhibits,They deeply felt the bravery and firm belief displayed by their ancestors in the arduous struggle。These revolutionary martyrs fought for the independence w88 sports betting app country and the happiness w88 sports betting app people,At the expense of his own life,Their spirit deeply moved everyone present。

In front w88 sports betting app towering monument,Students expressed their deep memory for the heroes through a moment of silence,They stopped in front w88 sports betting app monument for a long time,As if you can hear the echo of history whispering in your ears,Telling the stories of those heroes。

Through this event,The students have a deeper understanding w88 sports betting app great spirit w88 sports betting app revolutionary martyrs,It also strengthened their determination to join the Communist Party of China,Thus inheriting the legacy w88 sports betting app martyrs,Contribute to the prosperity w88 sports betting app country and the rejuvenation w88 sports betting app nation。

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