"w88 online sports betting security for the world,See "Micro" Knowledge - Laboratory Open Event" was successfully held
Time: 2024-10-28 Author: Grain, Oil and w88 online sports betting Experimental Teaching Center Number of views: 10

"w88 online sports betting and security for the world, see youZhizhu——Laboratory Open Event” was successfully held

Relying on the "World w88 online sports betting Day" series of activities,Our college’s experimental teaching center and college trade union、w88 online sports betting Quality and Safety Department Teaching Labor Party Branch,Yu10month24日夜1800, in w88 online sports betting College504Room, jointly hosted by: "w88 online sports betting security for the world, see the "micro" and know the work---Lab Open Day Event”。This activity is open to all teachers and students in the school,Invite Teacher Zhao Yaru from the College of w88 online sports betting Science and Technology to be the keynote speaker,Introducing related content on microscopic morphological observation and specimen preparation of stored grain insects。Participants can make insect specimens with their own hands and observe them using a microscope。

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In activity,Participants are under the guidance of the lecturer, Teacher Zhao Yaru,Made insect specimens for storage by hand。The production process mainly includes specimen fixation and other steps,Very scientific and interesting。Teacher Zhao Yaru introduced in detail the external morphological characteristics of different types of storage insects,And observe the microstructure of these insects through a microscope,Lead teachers and students to further understand potential threats in w88 online sports betting storage。

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The atmosphere at the event was warm,Teachers and students communicate with each other during the process of making insect specimens for storage、Discussion。Participant said,Such activities give them a deeper understanding of w88 online sports betting science。

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This laboratory open day event ended successfully with the enthusiastic response of teachers and students。By making stored insect specimens,Teachers and students have a deeper understanding of w88 online sports betting security,And further recognize the important role of scientific research in ensuring w88 online sports betting security。Future,The w88 online sports betting Academy will continue to focus on more topics,Organize more activities that combine scientific research and teaching,Contribute to the national w88 online sports betting industry。