粮食学院开展"Searching for the roots of rural love, passing on the fire to revitalize the dream" SummerSocial w88 sports betting app 活动
Time: 2024-08-11 Author: Zhao Yaran Zhu Yujie Number of views: 10

The fragrance of rice and flowers in the field,Getting to know the beauty of autumn。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,We must remember the importance of hundreds of millions of farmers to the revolution、Construction、The great contribution made by the reform,Construct the countryside well,Let hundreds of millions of farmers have more sense of gain。With the advancement of rural revitalization policy,More and more college students are participating in rural social w88 sports betting app activities,Injecting fresh blood into rural development。The School of Food Science and Technology of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology is launching a w88 sports betting app group to set sail"Searching for the roots of w88 sports betting app love, passing on the fire to revitalize the dream" SummerSocial w88 sports betting app , connect with the grassroots and deeply cultivate the countryside,Understandw88 sports betting app areaFarmIndustryDevelopment status,Fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions into the fertile soil of the motherland,ImplementationThe "autumn harvest is full of gold" is a good "rich" scene.

Yu Xinyang, a member of the w88 sports betting app group, really walked into the farmland。Under the practical guidance of farmers,Carrying out rape planting work,Not afraid of the scorching sun,Sweating like rain,Sing the praises of the harvest。One kind, one collection,A unique memory in midsummer。Members of the w88 sports betting app group learned about the shortcomings of local planting patterns and problems such as pests and diseases while working with farmers,By accessing information、Seek professional guidance and other ways to communicate with farmers,Helping local farmers dig deeper"Soil" resources,Make good articles about "local specialties",To increase grain production capacity and promote high-standard grain gardens、Xinxin Vegetable Garden、Special pastoral construction。He said: "In w88 sports betting app ,I don’t just see fields full of hope,You can even see the smiles on the farmers’ faces。When communicating with farmers on how to solve planting problems,I deeply understand that to promote the high-quality development of rural industries, we must w88 sports betting app ‘Clear waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver’s philosophy,We must fully tap and utilize the advantages of natural resources and human resources。From impossible to possible,From old look to new look,Practical experience enlightens today,Also inspiring the future。

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The picture shows members of the w88 sports betting app group working in the fields

Work together to sweep w88 sports betting app roads and build a new look.w88 sports betting app GroupMembers wearing red vests,Hand holding rag、Garbage pliers and other cleaning tools go deep into garbage storage points,Carry out centralized cleaning operations for environmental sanitation。Trash in residential areas、Miscellaneous items、Clean the blind spots,To the telephone pole、Village道口PsoriasisCarry out deep cleaning and straighten out any unruly parked vehicles.

w88 sports betting app

The picture shows members of the w88 sports betting app group carrying out environmental sanitation and cleaning activities

At the same time,The w88 sports betting app group carries out food safety promotion activities in rural areas。Active,The w88 sports betting app group uses pictures and texts,citationGuide to residentsEstablish a correct concept of w88 sports betting app safety consumption,At the same time, misunderstandings about w88 sports betting app safety consumption、Detailed explanation on how to eat properly and other aspects,Remind residents to be careful when purchasing packaged foods,Check the packaging label carefully、w88 sports betting app Label,And advise residents to always pay attention to w88 sports betting app safety issues,Develop healthy eating habits。

The deeper the knowledge, the better the w88 sports betting app ,The deeper the knowledge, the better the w88 sports betting app 。Tang Jingni, a member of the w88 sports betting app group, went to the Wusongjiang Reserve of Kunshan Grain Reserve Management Co., Ltd. to carry out practical activities。Kunshan Grain Reserve Management Co., Ltd. Wusongjiang Reserve Storage in2016, and in2018Officially put into use,It is the first “nitrogen grain storage base” in Suzhou。The overall nitrogen storage management system adopted by the company,The entire system includes nitrogen production equipment、Gas supply equipment、Concentration detection system, etc.。The separation process used in nitrogen production is pressure swing adsorption and membrane separation technology。With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the increasing awareness of people's environmental protection,Green technologies such as nitrogen filling to control grain diseases and pests will be more widely used and promoted,To ensure global w88 sports betting app security、Protect green waters and green mountains and make greater contributions。

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The picture shows the monitoring record of the nitrogen warehouse in the warehouse

Member Tang Jingni said:"Promotion of this green w88 sports betting app protection method,It also made me deeply aware of the huge potential of scientific and technological innovation in the agricultural field。It is not just a technological breakthrough,It is an update of concept。We no longer rely solely on chemical fumigation to solve problems,Use scientific principles,Looking for more sustainability、A more environmentally friendly solution。”

Reviewing the entire w88 sports betting app process,The w88 sports betting app group deeply felt the complexity and difficulty of rural revitalization,But we also see hope and opportunities。Rural revitalization is not just a grand narrative at the policy level,Especially in every village、The vital interests of every farmer。As a youth in the new era,We are responsible、Ability to contribute one’s wisdom and sweat to rural revitalization。We look forward to transforming the results of this w88 sports betting app into motivation for continued attention and participation in rural revitalization,Write a chapter of youth with practical actions,Together we paint a new picture of beautiful countryside。