To promote the study and exchange of various w88 sports betting app branches of the School of Food,The effectiveness of the w88 sports betting app building work of the School of Inspection,Improve the quality of w88 sports betting app building work,12month29On the afternoon, the General Branch of the School of Food was held2023Annual Party Branch Secretary's Council of w88 online casino bettingthe Evaluation and Evaluation Council。School Party Commissioner Yao Yunzhu、Jiang Chunlei、Wang Xingbo serves as a judge,The meeting was chaired by Liang Zhongchen, secretary of w88 sports betting app,w88 sports betting app and Branch members of the College attended the meeting。
Academy of Food3Educational w88 sports betting app branch and1Secretary of the Student w88 sports betting app Branch,The assessment indicator system of the Organization Department of the w88 sports betting app Committee of the School,Focus on the progress and effectiveness of the w88 sports betting app building work of the branch of the branch,Work with the Department of Promotion of w88 sports betting app Construction,Services and experiences of serving teachers and students,Existing problems and ideas and measures to w88 online casino bettingimprove work。The judge listened carefully4Secretary of w88 sports betting app Secretary Report,Checked the relevant account information,Comments on the situation and characteristics of each branch,The primary task of the branch、Fusion of party building and business work、Condensing and creating special brand activities and improvement of quality and efficiency to make suggestions and suggestions。
The assessment and evaluation of this job as a comprehensive inspection of the party building work of the School of Food、Important opportunities for comprehensive improvement,w88 sports betting app of the College will continue to supervise and guide the commonality and outstanding issues shown in the review w88 sports bettingof various branches in accordance with the review of various branches,Formulate and implement the rectification plan,Comprehensively improve the quality of party building work in various branches,To serve the construction of a high -level university for our university, the construction of a stronger grass -roots organization for the construction of the university。