Han Dong lecturer, doctoral, master's tutor
Time: 2020-07-22 Author: Views: 485

w88 sports betting

w88 sports betting appLecturer,Doctor of Engineering,Master student instructor,Liaoning Dalian, w88 sports betting app Science and EngineeringTeacher.

Education work experience

2020.06-To this day Jiangsu University of Science and TechnologyTeacher at the School of w88 sports betting app

2016.09-2020.06 Jiangsu UniversityDr. w88 sports betting app Science and Engineering

2012.09-2015.06 Jiangsu UniversityMaster of Engineering in w88 sports betting app Engineering

2008.09-2012.06 Jiangsu UniversityBachelor of Engineering and Engineering of w88 sports betting app Science and Engineering

Main w88 sports betting app direction

Traditional fermented w88 sports betting app microbial resources development and utilization:

1) w88 sports betting app on the diversity of microorganisms with pure culture technology and group science technology

2) The analysis of the proximal microbial genome and genetic diversity

3) Functional microorganisms The fermentation application w88 sports betting app

Teaching situation

The undergraduate course "w88 sports betting app Microchace"、"w88 sports betting app Additives"、"Modern w88 sports betting app Testing Technology"、"w88 sports betting app Microbiology Experiment"; Graduate course "Advanced w88 sports betting app Microbiology"。

Published papers

Paper published by the first author or communication author:

han, d., HOU, J., w88 sports betting app , H.-L. * (2023) An Extracellular Protease Containing A Node C-TERMINSION PRODUCED BY A Marine-Originated Haloarchaeon. CE, 10: 1166287.

han, d., w88 sports betting app , h.-l.* (2022). Halorussus Halobiussp. w88 sports betting app ., Halorussus Marinus sp. w88 sports betting app . And Halorusus Plagicussp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from Salted Brown Alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72 (4): 005313.

Hou, J.#, han, d.#, zhou, Y., li, Y., w88 sports betting app , h.-l.* (2020). Identification and Characterization of the Gene Encoding An Externalular Protease from Haloarchaeon Halococcus Salifodinae. Microbiology w88 sports betting app ,236:0944-5013.

han, d., w88 sports betting app , h.-l.* (2020).Salinibaculum LitoreumGen. w88 sports betting app ., sp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from Salted Brown Alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70 (4): 2879-2887.

han, d., w88 sports betting app , h.-l.* (2020). Halostella Plagicasp. w88 sports betting app . And Halosella Litoreasp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from Salted Brown Alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,70(3): 1969-1976.

han, d., Hong L.-G., xu, Q., w88 sports betting app , h.-l.* (2019). Halosella Limicolasp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from Saline Soil Sampled at the Tarim Basin. Internal Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (10): 3299-3304.

han, d., zhu, L., w88 sports betting app , h.-l.* (2019).Halorussus Litoreus sp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from the Salted Brown Alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (3): 767-772.

han, d.,zhang, W.-J., w88 sports betting app ,h.-l.*,li, Z.-R.*(2015). Halovenus Rubra sp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from SaltedBrown Alga Laminaria. Current microbiology70 (1): 91-95.

han, d.,w88 sports betting app ,h.-l.*(2015). Halorubrum Laminariaesp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from the Brine of SaltedBrown Alga Laminaria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107 (1): 217-223.

han, d.,w88 sports betting app ,h.-l.*(2014). Halobacterium Rubrum sp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from a Marine Solar Saltern. Archives of Microbiology196 (12): 847-851.

han, d., w88 sports betting app ,h.-l.*, li, Z.-R.*(2014).Halopenitus Salinussp. w88 sports betting app ., Isolated from the Brine of SaltedBrown Alga Laminaria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek106 (4): 743-749.

han, d., w88 sports betting app ,h.-l.*(2014).Haloplanus Litoreussp. w88 sports betting app . And Haloplanus Rubersp. w88 sports betting app ., From a Marine Solar Saltern and An Aquaculture Farm, Respectively. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105 (4): 679-685.

han, d., w88 sports betting app ,h.-l.*(2014). Halosimplex Plagicum sP. w88 sports betting app . And Halosimplex Rubrumsp. w88 sports betting app .,Isolated from SaltedBrown Alga Laminaria, And EDENDed Description of the Genus Halosimplex. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (1): 169-173.

w88 sports betting app Project

National Natural Science Foundation (Youth Science Foundation Project): Chinese traditional fermented vinegar cinemal cinemac -vinegar genetic diversity and functional genome w88 sports betting app (32200012),2023.1-2025.12Host, under w88 sports betting app .

Jiangsu Provincial College Basic Science (Natural Science) w88 sports betting app Project,2022.7-2024.6Host, under w88 sports betting app .

Jiangsu Province Graduate w88 sports betting app Innovation Plan Project (No. Kycx17_1797)Host, the question has been completed.

National Natural Science Foundation (on the surface: 31770005),2018.1-2021.12, mainly participating.

National Natural Science Foundation (on the surface: 31370054),2014.1-2017.12Main participation, the question has been concluded

Contact information
