The School of Food to carry out graduates and w88 sports betting app member education and integrity education
Time: 2023-05-29 Author: Views: 197

In order to enhance the w88 sports betting app spirit of the w88 sports betting app members of graduates,Establish a consciousness of integrity and self -discipline at all times5month26DayAfternoon, School of FoodAt college436Conference roomHold2023Graduate w88 sports betting app Member w88 sports betting app Member w88 sports betting app Education and Integrity Education Conference,The meeting is by the w88 sports betting app 's general branchViceSecretaryYu YongguangLecture, all graduate w88 sports betting app members participateMeeting

Secretary of Yu Yongguang from opposition"Four Wind" issues departure,Combined with the history of the w88 sports betting app ,Looking back on the achievements of anti -corruption and work style construction since the 18th National Congress of the Communist w88 sports betting app of China,Compares with other countries to develop history and social parties with other countries,Further show the most vivid character of our w88 sports betting app 's bravery self -revolution。He encourages all w88 sports betting app members: there is no end to learning,Not only must we strengthen the learning of scientific and cultural knowledgeMoreWe must continue to w88 sports bettingstrengthen political consciousness and service consciousness,Strictly require yourself,Based on the post,Courage to take responsibility, buckle the first clean government buckle to the society

Graduate w88 sports betting app members said after listening to it,NeverWillForgottenRememberMy own w88 sports betting app members,WillAlways strictly require yourself as a w88 sports betting app member's standardfirmly adhere to the bottom line of w88 sports betting app members,Facing various temptations,Cleansing self -self -self -good,Eternal advancedIn a new jobStrive to be an excellent w88 sports betting app member, carry forward the spirit of the ship's soul, and win glory for the alma mater!

Graduate w88 sports betting app members Leaving School Education is one w88 sports bettingof the school graduate education series activities。This event aims to let the w88 sports betting app members of the graduates build a ideological defense line,firm ideals and beliefs,Strengthen the consciousness of graduates' w88 sports betting app members,Clarify the responsibility of w88 sports betting app members,better play the role of pioneer model。

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