Fragrant w88 sports betting deep alley incense ten miles,Zhenjiang Jiaxing Qianqiu -the School of Food to carry out national non -heritage -Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewing skills research
Time: 2023-05-12 Author: Wu Zhaowen, Zhang Su, Sheng Jinming Views: 353

Zhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewing skillsMay 20, 2006 with the approval of the State Council of the People's Republic of China to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list。Talk about Zhenjiang,Xiang w88 sports betting is a loud business card,w88 sports betting culture is the soul of the city of Zhenjiang。To understand the status quo of the technique of Zhenjiangxiang w88 sports betting brewing,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"Zhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewing technique" inheritance research group inLaunched a series of learning research activities in April to May,Let the w88 sports betting"non -heritage" culture enter the campus。

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To understand the traditional w88 sports betting technology and brewing technology for in -depth understanding of traditional w88 sports betting technology and brewing technology,Promoting intangible cultural heritage。late April,The School of Food, Jiangsu University of Science and TechnologyNon -heritage practice groupEnter the Zhenjiang China w88 sports betting Culture Museum, explore the ancient and modern context of non -heritage w88 sports betting culture.

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Hengshun incense w88 sports betting in China and abroad,Produced in Jiangnan History and Cultural Town River。1840 Qing Dao Guangnian,Zhenjiang Dandan Zhu Zhu Zhaoshuo created "Zhu Hengshun Polying Square",ProductionColor wineGradually explore the brewing skills of unique Hengshun incense w88 sports betting 。According to the Chinese Medicine Ceremony:"w88 sports betting produced in Zhejiang Hangzhou is the best,In fact, Jiangsu Zhenjiang is the most "。

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Zhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewing skills,It is a rare traditional process that is still retained in the brewing industry,YesHistory of more than 160 years。High -quality glutinous rice produced in the "Hometown of Fish and Rice" is used as raw materials,Using solid -layered fermentation skillsZhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting has a long time of preface,Great labor intensity,Go through more than forty processes in large and small

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The picture shows a member of the Practice Team Learning to Learn w88 sports betting Making Technology Explanation

Under the leadership of the master,The students of the non -heritage practice group experienced it"Solid -state layered fermentation" process to make w88 sports betting ,Zhang Su said: "A seemingly simple brewing process,w88 online casino bettingBut it needs to be continuous 20Keep turning continuously for many days,This ancient method hand -made incense w88 sports betting ,With a light chocolate aroma when tasted,Can feel the master's heart and the charm of incense w88 sports betting ”。

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The picture shows a member of the Practice Group Experience Turning w88 sports betting

In the exchange with the staff of the R & D department, the members of the Practice GroupKnowHengshun incense w88 sports betting has a long history and is famous at home and abroadFrom 1909 to won the Nanyang Persuasion Association Gold Award,has won the International Gold Award for five times to this day,The only gold award in China for three consecutive times,and gradually sell well at home and abroad,Its social value is very obvious; in the w88 sports betting industry,The unique unique brewing skills have been used to this day,It is the best skill representative of southern Chinese w88 sports betting ,represents the traditional characteristics and highest level of my country's brewing technology.

Interview with characters

May, member of the Practice GroupInvite toDeputy Dean of the School of Food, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology、Former Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Hengshun w88 sports betting Co., Ltd.、Zhenjiang Xiang w88 sports betting production skills representative Yu YongjianResearcherLearn from Dean Yu, continue to promoteTraditional w88 sports betting technology and brewing technologyProtection and cultural heritage.

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When it comes to the uniqueness of the brewing skills of Zhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting ,YuDeanSummarized three points, that is,"Unique skills、Rich fungi、High -quality raw materials "。Its uniquebrewing skillsinUse solid -stratified fermentation methodand fried rice color crafts, which is brewedw88 sports betting has"acid but not astringent,fragrance and slightly sweet,color thick flavor,The unique flavor of the more mellow "。

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The picture shows Zhang Su, a member of the Practice Group, interviewed Professor Yu Yongjian

Yu YongjianDeanSay"Zhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewing process is from 2006Since being listed as a national intangible cultural heritage,Constantly carried out technical innovation and equipment upgrades。In terms of 醅,From the original big jar to Datsuzi,To adapt to large -scale production,Use the turning machine simultaneously to flip,greatly reduced manpower,increased the degree of automation。

For the future development of Zhenjiang Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewing processPlan,YuDeanRepresents:Hengshun incense w88 sports betting as a traditional food is deeply trusted by the people,Its future development should be on the basis of deep analysis of Zhenjiang Xiang w88 sports betting brewing skills,Improve automation and intelligence to solve problems such as quality fluctuations caused by external environment and manpower。At the same time,With the improvement of the living standards of the people, Hengshun Xiang w88 sports betting I should also continue to think aboutHow to innovate its craftsmanship and products to meet the needs of the people.

Visit incense w88 sports betting brewing laboratory

To further understand the incense w88 sports betting brewing process,Members of the non -heritage practice group came to the Food Academy's incense w88 sports betting brewing laboratory to visit and study。inRealLaboratory staffUnder the explanation,MemberSolution to Hengshun incense w88 sports betting brewCan be divided into three major processes

I.Alcohol fermentation,Added homemade special wheat songs for glycated fermented agent to ferment rice wine: glutinous rice→ immersion w88 online casino betting→ cooking → rice → mixing → sugar → wineization → finished product (wine 醅);

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The picture shows the senior's interpretation of the fermentation process

2,Fermentation of acetic acid,Add bran to the liquor、rice bran is mixed into solid state and vaccinated,Flip once a day,Cool down、Oxygen w88 sports betting fermentation,w88 sports betting is mature after more than 20 days.

The picture shows members of the Practice Group Visit the newly made w88 sports betting

3、Drip w88 sports betting 、Sterilization is the last process of w88 sports betting making,Physical method,dissolved the acetic acid contained in the w88 sports betting crickets in the water,After filtering,The raw w88 sports betting pouring sterilizes with normal pressure、Irrigation、Seal,can be stored for a long time without deterioration。

The picture shows the last process of the senior explaining w88 sports betting to guess w88 sports betting and sterilization

The picture shows the incense w88 sports betting made from the laboratory stored in the jar

Zhenjiangxiang w88 sports betting from a grain of rice to a drop of w88 sports betting takes more than 60 days,After more than forty processes,So"Exquisite" product,It is worthy of Su Dongpo who praised him "there is still peach blossom spring qi,This stroke flavor is better than 莼 莼 莼 莼 莼 莼。Investigation at the bottom,The "solid -stratified fermentation process" that has been inherited for thousands of years is inseparable.,This is also the "golden key" of Zhenjiang Xiang w88 sports betting quality assurance ",It is also a traditional handicraft that we should protect and inherit。