He Peihuan, Ph.D. in w88 online sports bettingEngineering, Jiangsu University of Science and TechnologyAcademy of FoodDepartment of Food Engineeringfull -time teacher.
Contact mailbox: HPH@just.edu.cn
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Grain and oil storage quality control
Storage material quality safety fast inspection,Use spectrum、Image、nano sensing and fusion technology
Education experience
Jiangsu University Dr. 2018.09-2022.09
Danish University of Technology Joint Cultivation 2021.04-2022.04
Henan University of Technology Master's degree 2012.09-2015.07
Henan University of Technology Undergraduate 2008.09-2012.07
Work experience
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Academy of Food 2022.12-So far
The National Academy of Sciences of the State Food and Material Reserve 2015.08-2018.08
Some scientific research papers
[1] HE, p.; Wu, y.; Wang, j.; Ren, y.; Ahmad, w.; Liu, r.; Ouyang, q.; Jiang, h.; Chen, Q., Detection of Mites Tyrophagus Putrescentiae AND Cheyletus Eruditus In Flour USING HYPERSPECTRAL Imaging System Coupled with Chemometrics [J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering 2020, 43 (6),13386.
[2] HE, P.; Hassan, m. M.; Tang, f.; Jiang, h.; Chen, m.; Liu, r.; Lin, h.; Chen, Q., Aspergillus niger During Storage Employing Gas Chromatography-ION MOBILITY SPECTROMETRY [J]. Food Analytical Methods 2022.
[3] HE, p.; Yang, w.; Ali, s.; Lin, h.; Jiang, h.; Shi, z.; Li, h.; Chen, Q., a solid-porphyrin and Boron-Dipyrromethene Sensing Platform for the Infestation Detection of Two Main Hidden Pests In Rice [J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2022, 364, 131843.
[4] HE, P.; Hassan, m. M.; yang, w.; Shi, z.; Zhou, x; xu, y.; Ouyang, q.; Chen, Q., Rapid and Stable Detection of Three Main MyCotoxins in Rice USIMIMINPS@K30 Coupled Multivarity Cality [J]. Food Chemistry 2022, 398: 133883.
[5] xu, y.; He, p.; Ahmad, W.; Hassan, m. M.; ALI, s.; Li, h.; Chen, Q., 23756_23958, 209, 114240.
[6] He Peihuan,Zhang Tao,Li Yanyu,Wu Yi,Wang Zhongming,Qi Yanmei,Cao Yang.Corrugated Cardboard Method to capture grain stacking of grain stoves in grain storage insects(Mites)Type Study[j].Journal w88 slot onlineof Henan University of Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2015,36 (01): 50-54.
[7] He Peihuan,Zhang Tao,Wu Yi,Li Yanyu,Li Zhihong,Li Fujun,Stejskal V,Kucerova Z,AULICKY R,Jiang Yajie,Tang Peian,Cao Yang.Ordinary carnivore mite yes9Research on the predation capacity of grain storage pests[j].Journal of China Grain and Oil,2016,31 (11): 112-117.
[8] He Peihuan,Wu Yi,Zheng Dan,Zhang Tao,Li Yanyu,Jiang Yajie,Cao Yang.Study on the growth and development of the temperature and humidity of different grain storage temperature and humidity[j].Food and Food Technology, 2017,25 (02): 89-94.
[9] He Peihuan,Cao Yang,Lin Lisha,Zhang,Li Na,Zheng Dan,Wang Zhongming.Jiangxi Province Grain Storage Insect Survey[j].Food and Food Technology, 2017,25 (04): 76-81.
[10] Xu Yongan,He Peihuan,Li Fujun,Cao Yang,Zheng Dan,Chen Xin,Anying.Discussion on the problem of quality control in the process of grain collection and distribution[j].Grain Storage, 2017,46 (03): 49-52.
Some scientific research projects(Title)
w88 online sports bettingOn the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Micro multi -modal convergence spectral detection of information complementary mechanism for corn picothone ketone, participate
National Key R & D Plan,Key technical research and equipment development, participate
National International Science and Technology Cooperation Special,Research on the cooperation of grain storage pest preferential mite biological control technology, participate
Public Welfare Industry (Food) Scientific Research Special,my country ’s grain storage and insect -mite area survey and insect sentiment monitoring forecast technology research, participate