To further enhance the safety awareness of w88 online sports betting staff,Do a good job in safety production in the w88 online sports betting,October 27th afternoon,The Food w88 online sports betting specially invited Director Meng Xiaojie, senior engineer of the Zhenjiang Emergency Management Bureau, to come to the w88 online sports betting to give a lecture on the new "Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China"。All teachers from the Food w88 online sports betting and students from the three provincial and one city vertical bureaus of the National Grain and Material Reserve System attended this presentation。
Director Meng XiaojieThe background and significance of the revision of the "Production w88 online sports betting the People's Republic of China"、Revision History、Comparison of the content before and after the revision and so on,Combined with his many years of practical work experience,Combined with actual cases,Key points aroundProduction safety rights and obligations of employees、Safe production guarantee、Supervision and management of production safety、Emergency rescue and investigation and handling of safety incidents、An in-depth explanation of the liability investigation system and other contents。Dear teachers and studentsListen carefully and remember carefully,Everyone said that learning the safety law knowledge this time was very practical。Passed this training,Let everyone have an in-depth understanding of the content of the new "Work w88 online sports betting the People's Republic of China",Further strengthen the awareness of safety red lines,A deeper understanding of the behavioral norms that must be followed for safe production,forTodayUnder w88 online sports betting and studyFurther improve safetyLay the foundation for w88 online sports betting.