To better play w88 online sports betting members study at students、Life and other aspects of the role,Academy of Foods Yu9month20On the afternoon of the afternoon, w88 online casino bettinga w88 online sports betting committee training meeting was held at the Changshan Campus,Invite the school's mental health center Teacher Anling to train the college w88 online sports betting committee。
Will on the way,Teacher Anling introduced the role positioning of w88 online sports betting members、Work division,Emphasizing the role of w88 online sports betting members should play and pay attention to three thinking misunderstandings,absoluteization、Bad to Extreme、Bad to Extreme。Teacher An proposed,He hopes to pay more attention to the words and behaviors of the surrounding students as a w88 online sports betting member,w88 sports bettingTimely realizing the dynamic changes of the classmates,Strive to get early、Early intervention。At the end of the meeting, the teacher reminds everyone to pay more attention to their w88 online sports betting health as a w88 online sports betting member,and answered the w88 online sports betting questions raised by the students。
This w88 online sports betting training will point out the direction of the future work of each class w88 online sports betting committee,Make suggestions and requirements。After the meeting,19Level Psychological Member Liu Boyu said: "Through this training,Let me have a clearer understanding of the functions w88 online sports bettingof psychological members,Do a good job of listening、Understanding and helping the role of the problem,Use full enthusiasm,Treat every classmate with a sincere attitude。At the same time,I will also pay more attention to my mental health。”