w88 sports betting appDr. Li Mingfei
Time: 2021-06-25 Author: Views: 2873

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Li Mingfei, Ph.D. in Engineering, Member of the Communist Party of China, Henan Wudi people


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2021.06~So far Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Academy of w88 sports betting Teacher

2016.09~2020.12 Henan University of Technology Academy of w88 sports betting and w88 sports betting and w88 sports betting w88 sports betting Science and Engineering Dr.

2013.09~2016.06 Henan University of Technology Academy of w88 sports betting and w88 sports betting and w88 sports betting w88 sports betting Science and Engineering Master

2009.09~2013.06 Henan University of Technology Academy of w88 sports betting and w88 sports betting and w88 sports betting Grain Engineering Bachelor

Research direction:

  1. Grain processing technology, grain chemistry and quality

  2. Study on the damp -heat modification of starch in wheat powder

  3. Starch and gluten protein during the formation of doughand other major molecular substancesInteraction machineLordResearch

    Published papers:

  4. mingfei li, Chong liu, xueling zheng*, Ke Bian(2021).Internet Between A-Type/B-Type Starch Granules w88 online sports bettingand Gluten in Dough During Mixing. w88 sports betting Chemistry, 358(10).

  5. mingfei li, Chong liu, xueling zheng*, Ke Bian(2021). Interaction Between Gliadin/Glutenin and Starch Granules in Dough During Mixing. Lwt -w88 sports betting Science and Technology, 148(8).

  6. mingfei li, Chong liu, xueling zheng*, limin Li, Ke Bian(2020)22074_22242, 44(9).

  7. mingfei li, qinghua yue, Chong liu*, xueling zheng **, jing Hong, limin Li, Ke Bian(2020). Effect of Gliadin/Glutenin Ratio on Pasting, thermal, And Structural Properties of Wheat Starch. Journal of Cereal Science,93(5).

  8. mingfei li, qinghua yue, Chong liu, xueling zheng*, Ke Bian(2020). Comparative Study of Rheology and Steamed Bread Quality ofWHEAT DOUGH and Gluten-Starch Doughs. Journal of w88 sports betting Processing and Preservice, 45(1).

  9. Li Mingfei,Liu Ye,Zheng Xueling*etc..Research on the impact of wet and humid treatment on the characteristics of wheat flour[J] Journal of Henan University of Technology 2016.01

  10. Li Mingfei,Zheng Xueling*,Bian Ke.ComparisonA-Starch damage-Global protein system andBStarch damage-Study on the Study Characteristics of Flowing Characteristics of Glutiny protein[J] Journal of Henan University of Technology 2020.8

  11. Li Mingfei,Zheng Xueling*,Bian Ke, etc..Damage starch content affects the effects of the separation effect of wheat flour and the separation effect of starch and grain powder.[J] w88 sports betting and Feed Industry2015.6

  12. Li Mingfei,Zheng Xueling*,Bian Ke, etc..The effect of adding an exogenous pentalase content on the separation effect of the separation of wheat starch and the garden powder[J] Grain and oil 2015.10

  13. Li Mingfei,Zheng Xueling*,Bian Ke, etc..Effects of the Effects of the separation of wheat starch and valley powder for dough status[J] Grain and oil 2015.11

    Project experience:

    Focus on participating in the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Lianhe Fund Project "The characteristics of changes in the characteristics of wheat processing process flow change(U1604235)", National Natural Science Foundation-Project on the surface "Wheat starch granules in the process of changes in the process of processing and regulation(31671810)","Research on the rules of changing the characteristics of gluten protein characteristics of noodles(31671892)", Henan Province Wheat Industry Technology System Construction Fund Project(S2017-01-G06)