Notice on the review w88 sports betting appof the enrollment w88 sports betting app of a master's scholars in 2021
Time: 2021-03-17 Author: Views: 883

Each relevant college:

According to the "Review Measures for the Enrollment w88 sports betting app w88 sports betting app of Graduate Tutor of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"(Jiangke University [2021]25No.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Review Measures"), now2021Niannian Master Student Mentor Admissions w88 sports betting app Examination Related matters as notified as follows。

  1. w88 online sports betting

    Instructor intends to recruit master's degree in the past three years,All should apply for this enrollment w88 sports betting app review,Instructor who fails to pass the enrollment w88 sports betting app review shall not be enrolled in the job。

  2. Audit procedure

    1.3month25A few days ago,Personal application: Fill in the "Application Form for the Essay w88 sports betting app w88 sports betting app w88 sports betting app w88 sports betting app w88 sports betting app of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology" (attachment2).

    2.4month5A few days ago,Each college w88 online sports bettingreview: Each college shall be in accordance with the "Review Measures" (attachment1) requirements, conduct condition review;

    3.4month10A few days ago,Degree Evaluation Sub -Committee Assessment: Hold the Degree Evaluation Sub -Committee to complete the review results of the review;

    4.4month18A few days ago,Complete the college publicity: list the college through the list of reviewers、Application Form and other materials are publicized in the college,Public announcement time is not less than5working day.

    5.4month20A few days ago,Report the Graduate College filing: Each college will be reviewed by the "Admissions w88 sports betting app Examination Form for Graduate Instructor Admissions of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology" and submitted to the Graduate Academy for filing。

  3. Related instructions

    1. The applicant is responsible for the authenticity of my application materials,Filling out of personal materials,Do not meet the requirements of the report,Cancellation of w88 sports betting appenrollment qualifications for three years during the review period; serious plot for intentional fake plot,There is an academic misconduct,Once verified,Cancel the instructor w88 sports betting app 。

    2. Relevant colleges shall strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions in the "Review Measures",Persevere standards,Specification Program,Actively and steadily do a good job of the w88 sports betting app review of this mentor。

    3. The validity period of this enrollment w88 sports betting app review is3Year (2021-2023Years),The instructor who has not passed this review,You can re -apply for enrollment review when meeting the conditions。

    4. Each college Yu4month20A few days ago, the attachment3Paper Edition after the electronic version and the college stamped on the graduate school degree office fixing,Application application form and other application materials preservation preparation for inspection。

    Donesty Office Contact: Teacher Zhang, Tel:0511-84401490

    Annex:1. Jiangsu University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology Instructor annual enrollment w88 sports betting app review method

    2.Jiangsu University of Science and TechnologyGraduate mentor enrollment w88 sports betting app Review applicationTable

    3. Jiangsu University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology Admissions w88 sports betting app Examination Summary Form

    Graduate School
