According to "About Jiangsu University of Science and Technology2019-2020Notice on the academic year awards and excellence w88 online casino betting》, upon application by the student himself, democratic review by the class, Review by Academic TutorAnd counselor recommendation and other links, now the Food w88 online casino betting2019-2020School year2017Level three studentsAwards and ExcellenceThe situation is announced as follows:
1.People’s Scholarship (38name)
First Prize (5name)
172212101208Zhang Jingjing172212101101黄Cloud
172212101212Ding Saisai172212102218张clean
172212102212Peng Sasa
Second Prize (11name)
172212101223Wow foreign 172212101108Zheng Lihui
172212101105Xia Xinlei172212101103Qiu Akane
172212101107张 Min172212101203Li Sijie
172212102120Zuo Jingjing172212102209Li Jiyang
172212102119Zhu phoenix172212102204Ding Meitong
172212102128张 Simmer
Third Prize (22name)
172212101219Niu Minjie172212101121Shu Yiying
172212101225张 Hao172212101106Yu Yifeng
172212101201High Original172212101206Tang Xinyue
172212101116Liu Jiaxin172212101221Sun Shengyuan
172212101209Cao Zhuanhu172212101205Shi Xinya
172212101202Li Lingyu172212102217Zhang Huiqin
172212102112Tian Zhijia172212102213Shi Wenyi
172212102127Wu Jiajun172212102227Wang Guangzheng
172212102117week Jia172212102118Zhou Xiaorui
172212102203Chen Yujuan172212102202Chen Lu
172212102220李Dry172212102208Huang Xiaohan
2.National Inspirational Scholarship (5name)
172212101208Zhang Jingjing172212101212Ding Saisai
172212101223Wow foreign172212101105Xia Xinlei
172212102128张 Simmer
3.Three good students in the school (10name)
172212101101黄 Cloud172212101223Wow foreign
172212102128张 Simmer172212102209Li Jiyang
172212102206Gu Jiyu172212102211Ma Jianing
172212102202Chen Lu172212102204Ding Meitong
172212102217Zhang Huiqin172212102229week foreign
Publication time:2020year10month21Sunday10month23日
If you have any objection,Please submit in writing or by email。If the objection is established,Additional in order according to regulations,No more public announcement。
School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology