The w88 sports betting of Food Science and Technology actively explores innovative research on new agricultural student training models
Time: 2020-05-15 Author: Ji Yangyang Number of views: 910

Prepare the "14th Five-Year Plan" for science,On May 15th, the Food w88 sports betting invited Deputy Director Wang Yuan of the Wuxi Grain and Material Reserve Bureau and others to visit the school,Discuss together the school-enterprise cooperation of "Three Communist Party Cooperation to Promote Food Security",Actively promote innovative research on new agricultural talent training models。

All party and government leaders of the Food w88 sports betting 、Young doctor from the "Doctor of Grain" workstation、2017 outstanding student representatives attended the conference and discussion。Both the school and the enterprise prepared the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the grain industry、Grain warehousing industry lean management project、Senior students from the Food w88 sports betting went to Wuxi for internship、In-depth and detailed exchanges were held on holding the second grain system storage management training course。

The Food w88 sports betting is working to promote the employment of the first graduates of the class of 2017,The Food w88 sports betting established the Career Planning and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center in early 2020。During the epidemic,The w88 sports betting pushes employment information every day,Provides students with comprehensive online employment guidance。After students return to school,The w88 sports betting has passed weekly online employment skills training,Guide students to develop resumes、Training in mock interviews and other aspects,And provide one-to-one employment counseling with students who plan to find employment,Customized personalized employment plan。At the same time,The w88 sports betting holds the first career planning competition,Carry out comprehensive career exploration and planning guidance for students。

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