early 2020,New crown virus is fully outbreak,All parts of the country are affected by it。Except for the medical staff on the front line of the Anti -Japanese War,There are also many ordinary people who are devoted to w88 slot online service,Working together to fight this epidemic。Chinese students in the 2017 Class 2 Class of Food Institute of Food and Food, who volunteered to join the community epidemic prevention and control。
It is understood,Huabo has been following w88 slot onlinehis family to participate in various volunteer activities since childhood,I learned from my mother that information about the voluntary work of this prevention and control epidemic,In the high sense of social responsibility,He resolutely decided to participate in the "epidemic" of fighting the new crown pneumonia.,Contribute to the society to contribute to your own strength。
Huabo has joinedLiyang Heart w88 slot online Association,w88 slot online service activities after centralized training。Due to the lack of masks,Liyang Heart w88 slot online Association after receiving a mask from many social donations,donate part to each community,Another part of the need to distribute it to the need in the society。The first job of Huabo is mainly to make a mask.,These masks are used w88 sports bettingfor distribution near the blue sky market in Tancheng Town。The second job is the disinfection of the control point of the Xin'an Garden community in Xinan Garden, Liyang County。"We have no specific working time,We do the w88 slot online that follows the call,Where do you need,It is the first to rush to the front。”He wants everyone to actively cooperate,Do a good job of protection,So that everyone can spend this difficulty together。
"Volunteers participating in the anti -epidemic situation this time,Let me see and feel the warmth hidden by this society,This kind of warmth is also infected with more people,Disposal in the w88 slot online service。At the same time, I also felt the strong cohesion of our country in it,Zhongcheng City, facing the virus,w88 online sports bettingUp and down,I also believe that we will be able to defeat it。”This is the deep feeling of Huabo's participation in w88 slot online activities。And he also wants to express it to the workers who are still fighting on the front line:"Thank you for paying for tens of millions of people to escape the virus's magic claws,Although I don’t know your name,But in your heart, you all have a title: hero,Hope you in the front line, don't forget to protect yourself while protecting others,Come on!”