Dr. Yu Yan, Associate Professor, Dao Dao
Time: 2019-12-26 Author: Views: 5460

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Master student instructor   

Dr./Zhejiang University   Postdoctoral/Zhejiang University    

Birth year:1987.08   Political appearance:The masses

Mobile  +86 1373809706215751773916

E-mail:  Yuyueoffice2012@126.com

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Education background

Zhejiang University        Agricultural Biological Environment and Energy Engineering, Dr.      2012.09-2016.06

MainResearch field:Smart environmental regulation of agricultural products、Study on Testing and Traceability of Food w88 online sports bettingand Oil Food Insult Lost Detection、Processing of agricultural products

Scientific research work experience

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology      Academy of Foodfull -time teacher    2020.03- So far

Zhejiang University    School of Biological System Engineering and Food SciencePostdoctoral    2016.07- 2019.12

Research direction

Currently mainly engaged in related research work such as dual -use plant function nutrition,At the same time, combined with the discipline development needs of the provincial key laboratory,Carry out research work such as the development of the quality of agricultural product quality and hazardous control (two items related to cooperation related to the control or participating in the control of aquatic products)。

Host or participated in the topic

1. National Natural Science Foundation (Youth Fund Project),2410,000, host,2020.01-2023.12

1. Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation, LQ17200002, Magnetic-Study on the Bio -sensing signal amplification system of silver -handed nano diodes. 710, 2017.01-2019.12, Research, Participate

2. Key project key projects of the key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, ZJK201805, The impact of micro -plastic pollution in the breeding environment on the growth of sea bass and the quality of fish meat, 510, 2018.01-2020.01, Research, Participate

5. Key project key projects of the key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, ZJK201912, Micro -plastic pairs of freshwater fishFishThe effect of oxidation stimulation and inflammatory factor level, 310, 2018.01-2020.01, Research, Participate

6. Huzhou Science and Technology Project,2018GZ28, based on different varieties of chicken -breed egg light transparent modelLEDResearch on Light Regulation Incubation Technology,10million,2019.01-2021.01, Research, Host


Honor and reward

2018Annual Huzhou City1112Candidates for Talent Engineering Training

RecentPaper List(Communication Author*

1. yu, y., li, Z.*, CAO, G., huang, S., yang, h. (2019). Bamboo Leaf Flavonoids Extracts Alleviate Oxidative Stress In Hepg2 Cells Via Naturally Modurative Ros Production and NRF2-MEDIATE D Antioxidant Defense Responses. Journal of Food Science (IF = 2.018). Doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14609. (SCIIncluding)

2. yu, y., li, Z.*, CAO, G., li, S., yang, H.* (2019). Effects of Ball Milling Micronization on Amino Acids Profile and Antioxidant Activities of Polygonatum Cyrtonema Hua Tuber Powder. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (IF = 1.181), Doi: 10.1007/S11694-019-00131-6. (SCIIncluding)

3. yu, y., zhou, D., li, Z.*, & zhu, C. (2018). Advancement and Challenges of Microplastic Pollution in the Aquative Environment: A Review. Water, Air, & SOIL POLLUTION (IF = 1.769), 229(5), 140. (SCIIncluding)

4. yu, y., & li, Z.* (2016). Influice of Droplet Coverage On the ElectroChemical Response of Planar Microelectrodes and Potential Solving Strategies on note concept. Peerj (IF = 2.177), 4, E2400. (SCIIncluding)

5. yu, y., li, Z., zhong, Z., Jin, S., PAN, J., Rao, X., & yu, y. w88 online casino betting(2018). Effect of Monochromatic Green Led Light Stimuli During Incubation on Embryo Growth, Hatching Performance, And hormone levels. Transactions of the asabe. 61 (2): 661-669. (SCIIncluding)

6. Li, Z., yu, y., li, Z., & Wu, T. (2015). A Review of Biosensing Technology Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (IF = 3.431), 407(10), 2711-2726. (SCIIncluding)

7. li, Z., yu, y., Li, Z., Wu, T., & yin, j. (2015). The Art of Signal Transforming: Electrodes and their Smart Applications in Electrochemical Sensing.. Analytical Methods (IF = 1.900), 7(23), 9732-9743. (SCIIncluding)

8. Yu Yan, Cai Hongli, Liang Yi, Maohao, Liao Yanxue, Li Zhanming*, Zhou Dongren. (2018). The effects of Huangyuan collagen on the in vitro simulation of the gastric and intestinal digestion of the gastrointestinal tract. Food Science, http://kns.cnki.net/kem S/Detail/11.2206.TS.20181214.1353.046.html. (EIIncluding)

9. Hu Renwei, Yu Yan, Ni Minglong, Yu Jiao, Zhu Cheng, Li Zhanming*. (2019). Near -infrared spectrum based on the deep belief network identifies the adulteration of lotus seed powder. Food Science, Recruitment. (EIIncluding)

10. Yu Yan,Zhang Shouli,Li Zhanming.Progress of the quality of poultry eggs without damage detection and classification technology[j].Food Safety Quality Inspection Journal,2020,11 (23): 8740-8745.(Film of Peking University)

Some patent lists

1. Method of improving the canofeng extraction of biology、Film compositions and products of flavonoids and flavonoid extracts. w88 online casino bettingInvention patent (substantial review). Public Day:2018.10.16, Application number:201811201642.

2. Micro -plastic manual extraction device and air floating lifting device. Practical new type. Patent number:201721069041.1.

3. Micro -plastic manual extraction device and new extract device. Practical new type. Patent number:201721069603.2.

4. Micro -plastic manual extraction device and micro -plastic manual extraction method. w88 online casino bettingInvention patent (substantial review). Application number:201710738624.7.

Participate in international and domestic academic organizations

China Agricultural Engineering Society, American Agricultural Engineering Society (ASabe

Some international meetings and reports

Invite to participate2018The Society of American Agriculture and Biological Engineers in the YearAnnual MeetingIles XEffects of Exposing Eggs to Various Green Light Innsities During Incubation on HATCH PERFORMANCE, Post-Hatch Grow Performance, Fear and Stress Responses in Layer Chicks. 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium2018, omaha, Nebraska