In memory w88 slot online revolutionary martyrs,Promote the national spirit,Enhance the patriotism consciousness of party activists,June 13,The second batch of party activists from the Food College went to Zhenjiang Martyrs Cemetery,Carry out "Youth Heart to the Party,Thematic party class practice activity of "Red Memory Will Spread Forever",Reviewing the glorious history of party building,Accept the baptism education w88 slot online red revolutionary spirit。
Green pine stands tall,Tall cypress trees。Students wear the emblem w88 slot online Communist Youth League,Come to the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument with a solemn mood,lay a wreath,A heavy moment of silence,Deeply remember the great achievements w88 slot online revolutionary martyrs。In front w88 slot online monument,Students sing the national anthem,Expressing respect and awe for the martyrs,Solemn oath to join the league,“I volunteer to join the Communist Youth League of China,Resolutely support the leadership w88 slot online Communist Party of China..." The oath resounded throughout the cemetery。
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