Dr. Zhong Jianjun, Lecturer, Director
Time: 2019-05-13 Author: Views: 3608

Main research direction and interest:

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The development and use of w88 slot online functional activity ingredients

Fresh and processing of agricultural products

Main experience:

2005-2009 Jiangnan University w88 slot online Science and Engineering Study,Bachelor of Institute of Technology

2009-2015 Zhejiang University w88 slot online Science Primary School Master Bobo,Doctoral degree in engineering

2016-2018 Zhejiang University, post -doctoral movement station of agricultural engineering, postdoctoral

2019- Department of w88 slot online Quality and Safety w88 online casino bettingat the School of w88 slot online at the School of w88 slot online at the School of w88 slot online at the University of Science and Technology

Main projects participating in recent years:

National Key R & D Plan,w88 slot online Processing Equipment Optimization Design Platform and New Sterilization Technology and Intelligent Equipment Development (2016yfd0400301

National Natural Science Foundation on Face,Points of pectin polysaccharide ultrasonic ultrasonic directional degradation pathway and mechanism research (31171784

Shaoxing College Science and Technology Cooperation Project,Key Laboratory of Rice Wine Technology and Equipment in Zhejiang Province (2009E10007

National Key R & D Plan,Smart Nano Packaging Materials Theory and Technology Research (2018yfd0400701

Main papers published in the past five years:

zhong, j. J.w88 online sports betting, liao, N., li, C., Wang, W., Wang, D., PU, Y., YE, X., liu, D.* (2019). EUROPEAN w88 slot online Research and Technology, 245(4),825-835.

zhong, J. J., liao, N., PU, Y., ding, T., YE, X., liu, D.* (2018). Chromatogramia, 81, 1097-1102.

zhong, j. J., liao, N., HE, M., PU, Y., liu, D.* (2018).Journal of chromatogram A, 1548, 44-50.

zhong, J. J., liao, N., ding, T., YE, X., liu, d. H.* (2015).Journal of chromatogram a,1406, 331-336.

liao, n., zhong, j. (Co-FIRST AUTHOR), YE, X., lu, S., Wang, W., zhang, R., ... liu, D.* (2015).LWT-w88 slot online Science and Technology,60(2), 1113-1121.

Wang, W., Chen, W., zou, M., lv, R., Wang, D., hou, F., feng, H., MA, X., zhong, j., ding, T., YE, X., liu, d. (2018). Journal of w88 slot online Engineering, 234, 98-107.

Wang, D., yan, L., MA, X., Wang, W., zou, M., zhong, j., ding, T., YE, X., liu, D. (2018). Internetal Journal of Biology Macromolecules, 119, 453-461.

liao, n., zhong, J., zhang, R., YE, X., zhang, Y., Wang, W., ... liu, R. (2016).PLOS ONE,11(12), e0167889.

Contact information:

Correspondence address: Grain School, Nanxu Avenue, Nanxu Avenue, Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province,212004


Contact number:0511-85611073

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