Dr. Li Shijie Professor -level engineer
Time: 2023-06-12 Author: Views: 2170

w88 sports betting

Li Shijie,1993Years4Born, a member of the Communist Party of China, a doctoral engineer, a professor -level senior engineerMainly engaged in w88 sports betting app safety testing technologyand health diagnosis technology, etc.w88 sports betting app work. Nearly five years,AssemblyHosted the National Natural w88 sports betting app Foundation of China、China Post -Doctoral w88 sports betting app Fund funding project、Provincial and Ministry of Ministry Construction Food Nutrition and Security National Key Laboratory Opening Projectand other w88 sports betting app projectsandGold Award for the National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition1, the National w88 sports betting appPostdoctoral Unveiling Topic Outstanding Plan Selection Silver Award2, Tianjin's post -doctoral unveiling list Gold Award2item. With the first author or communication authorinw88 sports bettingSensors and Actuators: B. Chemical(SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 9.221)Nanophotonics((SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 7.923)PublishedSCIThesis10YuChapter.

Learning and work experience

2011.09-2015.09,Tianjin University of w88 sports betting app and Technology,School of Food w88 sports betting app and Engineering,Get bachelor's degree

2015.09-2020.06,Tianjin University of w88 sports betting app and Technology,School of Food w88 sports betting app and Engineering,Get a doctorate degree

2020.07-2023.06,Nankai University Medical College,Dr. Faculty

2023.07-So far, Jiangsu University of w88 sports betting app and Technology, professor -level senior engineer

w88 sports betting app direction

1.w88 sports betting app Safety Testing Technology

2.Health Diagnosis Technology

Host scientific w88 sports betting app project

1.Foods in the w88 sports betting app in the w88 sports betting app of pollutants light and heat-Fluorescence two -dimensional high -sensitive immune analysis method and mechanism w88 sports betting app ,National Natural w88 sports betting app Foundation of China Youth w88 sports betting app Fund Project(32102068)2022.01-2024.12, Host

2.Study of Multi -dimensional Anthocyte Immunction System w88 sports betting app ,No. 168Approval of the Chinese Fund for Postdoctoral w88 sports betting app Fund for Fund(2020m680870)2020.11-2023.06, Host

3.Based on two -dimensional black phosphorus/Metal heterogeneous structure and carbon quantum dot foods in w88 sports betting app trace pollutants fluorescence-The construction of the optical and heat two -dimensional quantity high sensitivity detection system, Provincial and Ministry of Ministry Construction w88 sports betting app Nutrition and Security w88 online sports bettingState Key Laboratory Opening Project Fund(SKLFNS-KF -202010)2020.10-2021.10, Host

4.Tianjin University of w88 sports betting app and Technology2018Du Excellent Doctoral Disseatting Papers Innovation Fund Project,Tianjin University of w88 sports betting app and Technology(201803)2018.9-2020.6, Host

5.Research on key technologies for the quality control of the entire industry chain of the main w88 sports betting app ,National Key R & D Plan,2016.7-2020.12 Participate

6.Based on polyamide-Alerthoma -like allergic bionic and biosensor detection foods in foods in foods,Tianjin Municipal Education Commission,2017.5-2020.4 Participate

7.Based on the Lord-Auxiliary template collaborative molecular crowded effects of bionic function materials of bionic function materials for differential identification and separation mechanism w88 sports betting app ,National Nature Fund,2019.7 Participate in w88 sports betting app

Representative results

1. Shijie Li, et al. A high-sensitivity thermal analysis immunochromatographic sensor basesed on Au nanoparticle-enhanced twodimensional black phosphorus p Hotothermal -sensing Materials, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2019,133, 223-229. (SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 12.545)

2. Shijie Li, et al. Detection of β-lactoglobulin undemal-processing conditions by immunoassay and monoclonal dy. w88 sports betting app Chemistry, 2023, 136337 (SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 9.231)..

3. qing wang#, shijie li#, et al. A highly sensitive phothermal immunochromatogram. w88 sports betting app Chemistry, 2023, 401, 134065 (SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 9.231) (Common work)

4. Shijie Li, et al. Glutathion-CDTE Quantum Dots Based Sensors for Detection, Foods, 2023, 12, 62. (SCI 2 District,IF = 5.561)

5. Lu zhao, Jianping Guo, Shijie Li *, junping Wang *, 40496_40676, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 344, 130306. (SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 9.221)

6. Shijie Li, 41568_41767 w88 sports betting app Chemistry, 2021, 357,129766 (SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 9.231)

7. Shijie Li, et al. Black Phosphorus-Au nanocomposite-Based FluoreScence ImmunoChromatographic Sensor for High-Sensitive of Zearalennen Cer EALS. Nanophotonics, Online (Doi: 10.1515/Nanoph-2019-0434). (SCI 1 Area TOPIF = 7.923)..

8. Shijie Li, ET Al. Three Kinds of Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assays Based On the USE of Nanoparticle Labels for Fluorometric Determination of One. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(4), 238. (SCI 2 District,IF = 6.408)

9. Shijie Li, et al. Fluorometric Lateral Flow Immunochromatography. ticles. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(8), 388. (SCI 2 District,IF = 6.408)

10. Shijie Li, Et Al. Two Fluorescence Quaronochromatographic Assays Based On Carbon Dots and Quantum As Donor PROBES for the Determination of ENROF loxacin. Analytical Methods, 2019, 11, 2365-2504.(Cover) (SCI 3 District,IF = 3.532)

11. Wei Sheng#, shijie li#, et al. Visual and Rapid Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assay for ENROFLOXACIN USId Polymer Microspheres and Quantum Dots.Microchimica Acta20171844313–4321. (SCI 2 District,IF = 6.408) (Common work)

12. mingfei Pan#, shijie li#, ET Al. Development and value of a reposition and label-free Surface Plasmon RESONANANOSONSONSOROSOROXACINDECINDETECINDETEA Derived Foods.Sensors201717(9)1984. (SCI3 District,IF = 3.576) (Common work)

13. Shijie Li et al. NANObody Based Three in One Immunosersors for the Detection of β-Lactoglobulin w88 slot onlinein Processed Milk, MilkContaining Beverages and Milk-Free Beverages. ​​Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. Revised.

14. Wang Junping,Li Shijie, Wang Shuo. A black phosphorus of detecting small molecular substances-Golden nanoparticles composite composite light thermal quantitative immune layer analysis note and preparation method,Chinese invention patent,Application number:CN201910243581.4 etc.

Honor Reward

1. AllNational Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship CompetitionGold Awards(2021)

2. National Policy Policy Outstanding Program SelectionSilver Awards2022

3. National Policy Policy Outstanding Program SelectionSilver Awards2022

4. Tianjin Mascular Unveiling List Leading TitleGold Awards2022

5. Tianjin Mascular Unveiling List Leading TitleGold Awards2022

6. National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Excellent Doctor Post -Doctoral(2021)

7. Ph.D. Student National Scholarship (2019

8. Tianjin Wang Kechang Scholarship2019), etc.

Contact information

Correspondence address: Changhui Road, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu666No. Jiangsu University of w88 sports betting app and Technology University of w88 sports betting app and Technology of China 355Room
