Notice on the Printing and Distribution of the "Details Management of Students Management Management of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology" [2018] No. 111
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Regarding the issuance of the "Student Reality Management of Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

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Jiangsu University of Science and Technology


Details Management Management Work of Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Chapter 1  General Principles

1  Student performance management is an extremely important basic teaching management work。To promote the standardization of this work、institutionalization and modernization,Guarantee quality management work quality,Special setting rules。

Article 2  Students 'performance reflects students' academic training level,Objective assessment of it、Record、Evaluation、Analysis is an important means for schools to ensure the quality of teaching。Teacher of the Class、College and other starting units、Academic Affairs Office and Archives Management Department jointly bear the responsibility for performance management。Related responsible personnel at the grade evaluation、Login、Record、Save and other links,All must be with a serious attitude,Strictly abide by fairness、Justice、The principle of seeking truth from facts。

Article 3  The school implements computer network information management on the performance of students in school。Teachers of appointed lessons entered the science students through the teaching affairs system; students、Teaching management personnel to inquire the results through the teaching system according to the corresponding methods and permissions;,and cooperate with relevant departments to carry out system software operation and data security guarantee。

Chapter 2  Evaluation of results

Article 4  Getting of student curriculum scores,Based on students' personal selection data。Without special reasons and approved by the competent department of course,No one may change the curriculum teaching information determined by the course selection during the record of students' performance。

Article 5  Curriculum score evaluation method is divided into three categories: percentage system、Five -level division (excellent、Liang、、and grid、failure) and two levels (through、No pass)。

Five -level sub -system "excellent、Liang、、and grid、Langle "corresponds to the"ABCDF ";CF "

Examination courses shall adopt a percentage evaluation score,Score value takes neat,Do not retain the decimal; examine the course can be based on teaching characteristics,Adopt a percentage or five -level sub -system assessment results as appropriate,In principle, two levels are not allowed to be used。If the teacher really needs to adopt a two -level sub -system assessment to examine the course results,Must be approved in writing to approve and submit to the Academic Affairs Office for filing。

Article 6  Curriculum assessment is divided into two methods: examination and examination.

The assessment method of each course and the assessment part (usual、Issue、Experiment、End, etc.) The proportion of general evaluation results,It should be clearly stipulated in the syllabus and teaching plan of this course and strictly enforce。Not approved by the Academic Affairs Office,Do not change at will。

The evaluation of the test scores of the test is generally based on the final score of the course,In principle, the proportion of the final scores in the previous period is not less than70%30% course,In principle, the final exam score of the previous period is not less than the total evaluation results60%)。Course for the reform of the test method,It can be restricted by the above requirements,But the application must be submitted in writing,Economic opening units and the Academic Affairs Office can be executed after approval by approval。

When the teacher evaluates the test curriculum,,If the final test score of the student's final exam is50below (excluding50points),Its general evaluation score must not be rated as passing,Its curriculum score is recorded according to the test roll score。

Test any single assessment scores of the curriculum accounted for the total score of the course evaluation score must not exceed60%。Approval of uncomfortable units,Test the course of the test should not be concentrated in the way of testing the total evaluation score of students。

Students' usual grades can listen to lessons、Extra -curricular homework、Exercise Class、Class discussion、Comprehensive assessment of regular test results。Teachers should indicate the scoring basis for the usual grade items on the "Usually Return Record Form" (including、Loss of points),The usual results must be reasonable、Active distinction。

When the teacher calculates the total evaluation of the course,With in -class experiments,The experimental results should be included in the total evaluation results,and indicate the accounting ratio on the "Usually Return Record Form"。

Article 7  Before the course assessment,Teachers in appointment in response to teaching class students conduct qualification review,Anyone who has one of the following situations,The qualification for assessment should be canceled:

(1) All courses with homework,Students who have missed homework for a total of one -third of the total number of assignments;

(2) Those who have no experimental courses, the experimental assessment fails;

(3) About one -third (inclusive) for less than one -third (inclusive)。

Article 8  School scores for the percentage curriculum of special students such as high -level athletes implement a converting policy,Uniformly handled by the Academic Affairs Office。Teachers who do lessons are teaching it in curriculum、Assessment and results evaluation、Login Submit,Treatment of ordinary students。

Article 9  Teachers in the class should be in accordance with the regulations of the school and on the teaching outline、The constituent ratio determined in the teaching plan,Calculating Student Curriculum Total Review Grade,Do not be adjusted by usual results at will、Change the total evaluation results。When evaluating the grades of students,There must be an objective basis,Seeking truth from facts,No private affairs,It is strictly forbidden for subjective fabrication。I want to go on the scroll、Score、Login and other links,Care carefully,Eliminates the occurrence of errors or lack of results。

Article 10  Any non -direct responsible person is not allowed,Don’t read it without authorization、Change student grades or test papers。Student performance registration form、Evaluation test papers and other teaching materials are confidential,Review、Login、Transmission and storage working link,Students and unrelated faculty and staff shall not participate。

Chapter 3   Login submission and correction of results

Article 11  Teachers in the class are logging in、When submitting the results,Students who cancel the qualifications of the assessment,The word "cancel test qualification" is marked in the "Result w88 online sports bettingSymbol" column,Curriculum scores are zero -point (or not in the grid、Not passed) Login; students who approve the approved exam,The word "Slow Test" is marked in the "Receive Logo" column,Course scores log in at zero points,The Academic Affairs Office will be marked in the "Receive Logo" column,Organize students to participate in the "slow test";、Slow exams) Students who are absent for no reason,The word "absence of test" is marked in the "Receive Logo" column,Curriculum scores are logged in zero -point; students who violate examination discipline or cheating in the exam,The word "violation of discipline" or "cheating" is marked in the "Respecting Logo" column,Course scores log in at zero points。

Article 12  Teachers in the class when logging in to make up the test,Submit the score of the replenishment roll surface,The school's academic management system will be uniformly converted in accordance with regulations;,Submitted by the general evaluation results。

Article 13  After the teacher logs in after logging in the student's performance,Should be carefully checked,After confirming that there is no error, perform online submission operations。After submitting the score, print the student transcript immediately,After signing, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is in the opening unit of the opening unit。

Article 14  Teachers in the class should generally be within three days after the assessment,Login in the school's education management system、Submit student curriculum results。Entry scores should be with the original voucher (such as student test paper、Usually results record table, etc.) remain consistent,The original voucher of the score is opened for the class。Education management departments of each opening unit,Check the teacher submitting the results in time、Supervise。

Article 15  Due to the teaching process arrangement or other special circumstances,Teachers of appointment cannot complete the entry within the deadline for submission、Submitted work,It is necessary to submit a written delay enrollment application to the teaching management department of the opening unit in advance,Explanation of the reasons and the plan to complete the entry time,The leadership of the teaching of the running units in charge of teaching will be approved after the leadership of the teaching office。

If the teacher did not log in at the prescribed time、Submit the results,As a result, students cannot participate in supplement、Slow -examine or other succession teaching activities,The school will investigate the work responsibility of the teacher in the class。

Article 16  Curriculum teaching class Students' results are submitted online,Teachers of appointment will not be able to change operations again。If the entry is wrong、Test paper review errors or bonus points for test papers need to be changed,Teachers who have to log in to the "Grade Modification Management" module of the Academic Affairs System Submit a modification application,After the leaders of the start -up unit are in charge of the review and approval, report to the Academic Affairs Office for approval,After approval, change results and take effect。After the results are changed to take effect,Teachers of the class need to print the grade to correct the score of the student's student, and the academic management department of the units will be opened。Teachers in the class are responsible for timely the results of the results change results。

The results of the results must be based on the principle of serious and serious,If the teacher does not review the test papers according to the scoring standard, a large -scale grade error or falsification materials will be made for changes.,Once discovered,According to the relevant provisions of the "Jiangsu University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology, the Measures for the Confirmation and Handling Measures of the Teaching Accidents", the responsible person is handled accordingly。

Chapter 4   Release and query of results

Article 17  Teachers' online submission and submission operation of the course of course teaching class,The announcement of the effective results of relevant students,Students can log in to the school's education system query。

Article 18  If the student w88 sports bettinghas obtained multiple results records of the same course (the same course number) after re -examination or rebuilding,The school determines the highest score of this course。

Article 19  Students should pass the teaching management system in a timely manner,Understanding the results of the courses and the completion of personal studies。

Article 20  Teaching managers of each college can learn about students' performance at any time。

Chapter 5   Objection of results

Article 21  If you have any objections to the scores of the lesson announcement,In the first week of the next semester, you can submit a review application to the starting unit (not acceptable for outdated),The opening unit is responsible for verifying and will inform the college where the students are located in a timely manner,and inform the students themselves。Students must not consult the test paper or other original assessment information。

Chapter 6  Performance point system accounting method

Article 22  In order to more objectively reflect the overall status of students' learning,Our school implements the performance point system for students' performance evaluation。The specific accounting methods are as follows:

1.Course performance and performance point

Curriculum results and performance points of the performance point are as follows:

1) percentage score:J=F/10) -5

Formula:JIt is the credit point of a course, whenJless than1Press0plan;

Fis the score of a certain course.

2) Five -level division score:

Grade Level   excellent    Liang       and grid   Failure to be grid

performance  points    4.5   3.5   2.5   1.5     0

3) Two -level division score:

Grade Level      Through        Not passing

performance  points         2.5           0

2.Credit performance points

The credits of the credits refer to the credits of a certain course to learn the performance point obtained by the course,that is:

Credit performance points=Course credits×Performance point

3.Average score performance point

The calculation formula of the average score points is:

Average score performance point=(Summary of the Credit Performance Points of each course in each course)/(Credit sum of the courses in each course)

= σCredit performance pointsCredit

If the sum of the credits of the courses you take and the total credits of the courses taken by each course,Limited in semester or academic year or the entire study period of school,The average performance point can be divided into average performance point、The average performance point and total performance point of the school year。The average performance point is followed by four houses and five to the decimal point。

Chapter 7   The stand, archive and storage of the score information

Article 23  Each starting unit and other student performance departments,Should stand on your own、Preserved the original written score materials of the students who set up the course teaching class per semester,The storage period is two years after graduation of students。

Article 24  Each year of each college must be according to the requirements of the school archives,Students who leave school this year (including graduation、Graduation、肄、Delivery、Fleement、Transfer to school、Death, etc.) The "Student Experience Form"、"Student Details Details Table of the Times"、Archive,Transfer to the school archives permanent preservation。Students transferred from foreign schools,It should be attached to the “Student Exchange Details Table of the Year of the Session” to attach the certification material of the study score issued from the school。

Article 25  Electronic data information for the grades of students from school,Properly backup from the Academic Affairs Office,Long -term preservation,Check it with preparation work。Students from the school have summarized the results over the years and transferred to the archives for archives,Any academic performance record at school,All based on the written score materials of the permanent preservation of the archives。

Article 26  Maintenance of Electronic Data for the Academic Affairs Office、Key responsibility departments; maintenance departments of each starting unit and other student performance departments are the maintenance of w88 online sports bettingstudents' original written scores、Key responsibility departments; the archives for the custody responsibility department of the archives of the students over the years。Each department provides the necessary spatial venues in response to the management work、Material support and safety guarantee conditions,and specify the person in charge of the professional (both) position,According to the characteristics of different working links,Clear job responsibilities。

Article 27  Any personnel without regular approval procedures,Do not change the student performance of the archived volume archive; no personnel may attack the teaching management system database through illegal technical means,malicious destruction、Tampered with student performance electronic data。Offenders will give serious school discipline treatment,The plot seriously constitutes the offender transfer to the state public security organs for investigation and punishment。

Chapter 8   The issuance of the proof of the score

Article 28  Provide the grades of the scores of students at school or departing from domestic and foreign social units,Uniform Study Education Office is responsible for。

Article 29  The grades of students at the school are proved to be issued by the college,Signed and confirmed by the staff and stamped with "College Educational Affairs Dedicated Seal",It is approved by the Academic Affairs Office and stamped with the "Special Seal of the Academic Affairs Office of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"。

Article 30  When students go through the procedures for leaving school,Student's academic transcripts are issued by the college,Signed and confirmed by the staff and stamped with "College Educational Affairs Dedicated Seal",After being approved by the Academic Affairs Office and stamped with the "Devision of the Academic Affairs Office of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology",Pay the student management department into the personal file material of the student。

Article 31  If the student has left school,But the scores need to be issued when their scores have not been transferred over the years.,I should apply to the Education Office for,The Academic Affairs Office notified the college where the students belong to,Certificate of grades from the affiliated college,Signed and confirmed by the staff and stamped with "College Educational Affairs Dedicated Seal",It is approved by the Academic Affairs Office and stamped with the "Special Seal of the Academic Affairs Office of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"。

Article 32  If the student has left school,and its scores in the years need to be issued to the archives.,I should apply to the archives。The archives will issue a proof of results,After the personnel signed and confirmed and stamped with the seal of the department,The Academic Affairs Office is stamped with "Special Seal of the Executive Division of the Academic Affairs Office of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"。

Article 33  School true、Complete records and issue student academic results,Pass the test、Repair、The scores obtained by the slow examination,Mark on the transcript。Student transcripts are the only proof of students' curriculum assessment scores and credits during school study,It is also the main basis for judging whether students can graduate and obtain a degree。Anyone must not tamper with、Forge student transcript,Once discovered,According to the relevant provisions of the "Jiangsu University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology, the Measures for the Confirmation and Handling Measures of the Teaching Accidents", the responsible person is handled accordingly。

Chapter 9   Attachment

Article 34  Various table styles used in school performance management,Uniformly designed by the Academic Affairs Office、Formulate。Those who use a non -uniform standard type table,It is an invalid material。

Article 35  This rules are implemented from the date of promulgation,The Academic Affairs Office is responsible for interpretation。Former "Details Management Management Work of Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"2006]168No.) abolished at the same time.

The President's Office of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology                2018year5month22Democratic printing