Notice on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for the Administration of Undergraduate Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
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About the issuance of "undergraduate students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Measures for the Management of Students "

College, Silkworm Industry Research Institute, relevant departments:

Issuing the "Administrative Measures for the Administration of undergraduate Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology" to you,Please follow the execution。

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology


Administrative Measures for the Student Student Student Student Student Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Chapter 1   General Principles

The first article  To maintain the normal education and teaching order of the school,Guarantee students' legitimate rights and interests,Training Germany、Zhi、body、Socialist builders and successors who have developed comprehensive development in the United States,According to the relevant spirit of the "Regulations on the Management of the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Regulations on the Management of Student Students of General College",Combined with the actual situation of our school,Formation of these measures。

Article 2  This method is applicable to ordinary full -time undergraduate students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology。

Chapter 2   Teaching management system and learning period

Article 3  The school implements the academic division teaching management system. The academic system is generally4Year.Students can apply for graduation in advance; students who have not completed their studies within the standard school system specified in the professional talent training plan,If you want to continue studying at school,You need to take the initiative to apply,can extend learning time。Students' longest learning period in school is the standard academic system2Year.

Chapter 3   Admission and registration

Article 4  Freshmen admitted to the national enrollment regulations,Holding "Admission Notice" and related documents,Go to school to go through the school procedures within the prescribed period。It is not possible to enter school for some reason,Should ask the school enrollment office in writing,Goblies must not exceed2Week。Unblove or leave for leave,In addition to the reason why it is right and other matters,,It is deemed to abandon enrollment qualifications。

Article 5  When the freshman is reported,The school conducts a preliminary review of the qualifications of freshmen,Examine the qualified application procedures,The school compiles the school number for it,Registered students。Review found new life admission notification、Candidate information and other proof materials,Do not match my actual situation,or other cases that violate the State Admissions Examination,Cancellation of enrollment。

Article 6  Freshmen can apply to the school for reservation of enrollment qualifications for special circumstances such as enlistment or physical and mental health。Reserved eligibility to enroll does not have our school status。

Freshmen applied to participate in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (including the Chinese People's Armed Police Force),The relevant certification materials should be submitted to the school,The school reserves the qualifications for it to retire after retirement2years; other special conditions such as physical and mental health are not suitable for studying at school,The school retains the qualification for admission1Year

Freshmen Before reserving the enrollment qualification period2Application for admission to the school enrollment office within a month,After the school is reviewed,,Re -enrollment procedures。Examine with unqualified,Cancellation of enrollment qualifications; if you do not go through the school -time procedures and have no legitimate reasons such as force majeure delay,It is deemed to abandon enrollment qualifications。

Article 7  After the new student enrolls, the school is in3Review it in accordance with national enrollment regulations.

During the review, students found that there are frauds in students、徇 Private fraud,Determined as a review failure,Cancel its student status; if the circumstances are serious,The school will be transferred to the relevant departments for investigation and processing。

During the review, it w88 online sports bettingwas found that students' physical and mental conditions were not suitable to study at school,Diagnosis of second -level A or above in the school,Need to rest at home,You can retain their enrollment qualifications。Students start from the date of receiving the notice of reserved enrollment2Check the procedures for leaving the school within the week, otherwise the qualifications will be canceled.

Article 8  Freshmen should conduct a new student status self -examination at the Chinese Higher Education Student Information Network ( in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the school,Verify whether my student status is registered、Is the student status information accurately, etc.。

Article 9At the beginning of school every semester,Students shall go through the registration procedures in accordance with the regulations of the school,Dign qualifications to continue learning。The specific regulations are as follows:

(1) In the first semester of the academic year, students are registered with the payment fee certificate of the Financial Office; students with financial difficulties can apply for student loans or other forms of funding,Register after handling the relevant procedures;

(2) Failure to pay tuition fees in accordance with the regulations of the school or other,No registration;

(3) Can not be registered for some reason,The registration procedures should be performed;2Week does not register,It is deemed to be automatically abandoning school status,The school should be processed by automatic drop school。

Chapter 4   Assessment and results record

Article 10The school implements the course selection system,Students must determine the course in accordance with relevant regulations,The result of the course selection is students participating in learning、The basis for assessment,The teaching activities that have not participated in the selection of lessons are invalid。Total credits for courses per semester,In principle control in16Credit to32Between credits。The assessment score of students selected by students is recorded in my score file。

Article 11  Evaluation is divided into two ways: examination and examination。Assessment scores at a percentage or 5 -level division (excellent、Liang、Middle、and grid、failure) or two levels (through、Not passed) records; the curriculum score is60Divisions (and pass) and above,Obtain the credits of this course。

Article 12  Before the course assessment,Teachers in the appointed teachers in response to the teaching class will conduct assessment qualification review,Anyone who has one of the following situations,The qualification for assessment should be canceled:

(1) All courses with homework,Students who have missed homework for a total of one -third of the total number of assignments;

(2) Those who have no experimental courses, the experimental assessment fails;

(3) A third -thirds of the course teaching time (inclusive) or more。

Article 13  Students who cannot take the exam due to illness (have a hospital certificate) or special reasons,Must submit an application before the exam,Teachers' consent,After the student's college is approved,Report the Academic Affairs Office File,Otherwise, it will be regarded as an off -test。Slow -examination generally takes the same test。

Article 14  The evaluation score of the course selected by the student is not as good as grid,or I have obtained the credits of the course but not satisfied with the assessment results,It can be within the prescribed time of the school,Course for the start of the course of the school's semester。

Article 15  Students' first test courses are not as good as possible, please give it1Times to make up for the test。Students have one of the following situations,Cancellation Qualification Qualification:

(1) The percentage system score, semester test scores35Divided below (excluding35);

(2) If you are not qualified to be qualified;

(3) The total evaluation scores of the course of slow examinations are failed.

Article 16The assessment form is the course of the examination,No replenishment; "Sports" course assessment is not as good as those of the grid,No replenishment; experimental lessons set separately、Teaching Internship、Production internship、Curriculum design and graduation design and other practical teaching links are not as good as those who fail to grid,Do not make up for the exam。

Article 17  Students with strong self -learning ability can submit an application for exemption,Need to be approved by the teacher,After the student's college is approved,Report the Academic Affairs Office File。

Student application should be exempt from listening to after the beginning of the semester2Putting it within the week,Not accepted for outdated,When applying, you need to submit the certification material required by the teacher。

Listening to only test courses。Work、Experiment and assessment requirements are the same as the teaching class where they are located。Ideological and Political Theory Course、"Sports" course and military training、Internship、Experiment、Course Design、Graduation design and other practical links are not allowed to be exempt from listening。

Article 18  Students participate in rebuilding courses,If the class conflict with other preliminary courses,Teachers' consent,w88 online casino bettingCan be listened to inter -listening。

Article 19  Students can take courses outside the teaching plan within the school,The scores that have been obtained are recorded in my grade file。

Article 20  Students can apply for learning in school minoring majors,Performance of related documents for studying and minoring majors in school。

Article 21 Students can apply for across schools to take courses and participate in open online courses recognized by the school,Curriculum scores (credits) for students (credits),It is determined according to the relevant regulations of the school。

Article 22  Students participate in innovation and entrepreneurs、Social practice and other activities and publish papers、Get an authorized patent and professional learning、Academic requirements related experiences、Achievements,It is identified as the second classroom credits in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school。

Article 23  Curriculum assessment scores can be from usual、Issue、Experiment、End and other stages (links) results composition。

Examination curriculum scores are50Divided below (excluding50),The total evaluation score of this course must not be rated as passing,Its curriculum score is recorded according to the test roll score。

Article 24  Evaluation of sports curriculum results can be based on attendance、In -class teaching、Comprehensive assessment of extra -curricular exercise activities and physical health status。

Article 25  Students' re -renovation assessment scores are recorded according to the overall evaluation scores.

Students' slow examination scores are recorded according to the total evaluation scores.

Students' re -examination curriculum test roll scores are75above (including75) Unified pressing75Division,60points (including60) to75points (excluding75) Unified pressing between60Division,60Divided below (excluding60) The score of the roll is recorded.

Article 26  School true、Complete records and issue student academic results,Pass the test、Repair、The scores obtained by the slow examination,The transcript is marked with the transcript。

If the students have obtained multiple results records of the same course (the same curriculum number) after re -examination or rebuilding,The school determines the highest score of this course。

Article 27  Students have objections to the scores of curriculum assessment,You can be after the start of the next semester1In the weekly, I submitted a review application to the starting college (will not be accepted outdated),The college of the start of the class is responsible for verifying and the verification results will be reported to the college where the college is located in a timely manner,and inform the students themselves。Students must not consult the test paper。

Article 28  Students suspend school due to dropping out and other conditions,The courses and credits have been obtained during the school study,Records。Students re -take the admission examination、Meet admission conditions,Remit to our school again,It originally obtained the credits to recognize。

Chapter 5   Transfer of majors and transfer

Article 29  Students who are interested in other majors during their studies are interested in other majors, specialty or special circumstances,You can apply for a transfer of major in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school。Students have one of the following situations,Do not transfer to major:

(1) State、Related documents of the province have clearly stipulated students who cannot transfer to professional,Students including sports and other majors;

(2) Students who are suspending or retained from school status;

(3) students who should be dropped out of school;

(4) Students who are clearly agreed during enrollment;

(5) Other relevant documents of the school stipulate that students who are not allowed to transfer to major。

Article 30  Due to special difficulties due to illness,Can't continue studying in our school,You can apply for a transfer。Transfer methods are implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the superior authorities。Students have one of the following situations,Do not apply for transfer:

(1) For less than one semester or one year before graduation;

(2) The results of the college entrance examination are lower than the corresponding year of the same life place to be transferred to the school related majors;

(3) From low education levels to high education levels;

(4) Through targeted employment、Special enrollment forms such as sports;

(5) Those who have not passed the enrollment of general colleges and universities to enroll the national unified examination or admitted to the college entrance examination results;

(6) It is intended to be transferred to the school to transfer to the same city in the same city;

(7) Interdisciplinary doors;

(8) Disposal or expels from school status;

(9) Other reasons for reasons without justification.

Chapter 6   Study and re -school

Article 31  Students apply for a breakor the school believes that it should be suspended,Must make a application for a suspension,Audit with the college where the college is located、After the school is approved, I leave the school and leave school (scholars need to sign the school hospital for signing opinions)。Students should apply for a suspension after school.2Application to the college within the week,Do not accept it at other times (except for those who are suspended and have special reasons)。

Article 32  Study time w88 sports betting appis in the semester,The longest time for each school is one school year。HolidaysFull still needs to continue to school,It must be processed within the specified timeHughLearning procedures, the total time of students should not exceed2Year (the period of study is not included in the period of study)。Students who have a business and start a business,Cumulative total time to rest must not exceed3Year.

Article 33  Students are applied to participate in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (including the Chinese People's Armed Police Force),The relevant certification materials shall be submitted to the school within two weeks after receiving the notice of the enlistment,Apply for retaining school status,The school retains the student status to retire after retirement2year (not counting the learning period).

Article 34  Students participate in the cross -school joint training project organized by the school,During the joint training school study period,Students need to apply for retaining student status procedures,The school retains school status for it。

Article 35  Learning、Reserved students must go through the procedures for departure。During the suspension period,Don't enjoy learning student treatment at school。The medical expenses of students who are suspended from school due to illness are treated in accordance with relevant national and school regulations。

Article 36  Students' suspension、Reserve the expiration of the student status period,Should be after the start of the next semester1Zhou submitted a re -school application to the college where it is located,Examination and approval by the College,Report school approval,can be re -school。

Students who are suspended from school at a time of suspension,Must be diagnosed by hospitals above the second level,Prove to restore health,and after the school hospital is reviewed, you can apply for resumption。

Chapter 7   Retreat  Learning

Article 37Student who applies for dropping out,You need to fill in the "Active Delivery Approval Form",After the school review and consent,Standardment procedures。

Article 38If a student has one of the following circumstances, he should drop out:

(1) Students in the standard academic system,If the scores obtained within a school year are lower than22(excluding22),Then the school provides a drop warning of withdrawal from school; is limited to the dropping warning of the school;22, then drop out of school;

(2) within the longest learning period stipulated by the school,If it has not reached the standard of completion;

(3) Failure to meet the standard of completion within the standard school system,without applying for extended learning time;

(4) Study, retaining school status expires, overdue2Week did not submit an application for resumption or apply for re -examination;

(5) Diagnosis of a designated hospital in the school,If you have severe diseases or you cannot continue to study at school in school;

(6) Continuous continuous without approval2Week did not participate in the teaching activities prescribed by the school;

(7) Overdue2Week has not registered but has not fulfilled the post -registration procedures and has no reason for the affairs。

Due to the above situation for dropping school treatment, it is determined by the principal's office meeting。

Article 39  Students who are subsidence,The school issued a drop -out decision,Send the student in the college where the student is located,Signed by myself。The school also reports to the Provincial Department of Education for the record。I cannot send it to myself,Announcement on the website of the School Academic Affairs Office30Sky,See it to the students themselves。After the decision of dropping out of school is decided from the school10will take effect officially.

Article 40Students have objections to dropping out of school,On the date of receiving the decision to be dropped or from the announcement of the announcement10within day,Can make a written appeal to the student complaint and handling committee。The Student Complaint Handling Committee shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations after receiving a written application。

No. 1411Students withdrawn from school should be from the date of the school's approval10Check the procedures for leaving school within the day,File、Household registration shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations。

Chapter 8   Graduation, graduation and industry

Article 42  Student graduation design(Thesis)Before,​​Qualification review must be passed。If the total number of credits stipulated in the professional teaching plan are greater than the difference between the total amount of the credits currently obtained by the students32credits (excluding32), does not have graduation design(Thesis)Qualification.

Article 43  Professional teaching plan is the basis for reviewing students' graduation qualifications。Students within the prescribed learning period,Repair the content of the teaching plan of this major,Followed for results,When it meets the requirements of our school's graduation,Standardized Graduation,School issued a graduation certificate。

Conditions that meet the degree granting of the bachelor's degree in our school,The School Degree Evaluation Committee reviews the degree certificate。

Article 44  Students with early graduation intentions should be in the year of graduation3Monthly apply for application。When applying, the total score should be not less than that of the professional teaching plan.85%,The college will review its w88 online sports bettingacademic performance and ability after reviewing the Academic Affairs Office。Students who are allowed to graduate in advance are included in the unified management of graduation grade。

Article 45  Students within the standard school system stipulated in the school,Repair the content of the teaching plan of this major,Uncomfortable graduation requirements,If I do not apply for extending learning time,Quasi -giving close,The school issues a certificate of completion。

Article 46Students who have graduated can be within one year after graduation,Back to school at the time prescribed by the school to participate in the supplementary test of the graduation certificate (for),The assessment of the certificate is limited to only one time。

If the total number of credits stipulated in the professional teaching plan is greater than the difference between the total credits in the current professional teaching plan obtained by the students22credits (excluding22) and graduated,It does not have the qualifications to replace the certificate (work)。

Due to graduation design (thesis) or experiment、Curriculum design and other practical links that are not as good as they have graduated,After the start of the semester after graduation2A supplementary application to the school within the week,Notified by the Academic Affairs Office to notify the organization arrangement of the college,Graduation Certificate after passing the assessment。

For production internship、"Sports" course or college students' physical health standards are not as good as they have graduated,If the actual work exercise after more than half a year,Good health,Being able to do the actual work of production,The following year can be available4Before the end of the month, the work unit or the relevant departments that can prove their condition will issue certification materials,Graduation certificates will be issued after review and approval by the school.

Those who have graduated due to poor moral education, can be the following year after graduation4Before the end of the month, the work unit or the relevant departments that can prove their performance after graduation of their political thoughts、Moral quality and performance make a written identification,Graduation certificates will be issued after review and approval by the school.

Graduation certificate issued after qualification,Graduation time according to the existing date。Do not submit an application for a certificate for overdue,or if you do not take the supplementary test (work) or make up the exam (work), those who are still less than those,I will not handle it in the future。

Article 47  Learning from the one -school year or aboveSheng,You can apply for a certificate of industry; students who have dropped out of school or were expelled from a school year,School issued a school certificate。

Chapter 9   Academic Certificate Management

Article 48  Students change their names during school、Date of birth、ID number and other certificates to fill in or the personal information necessary for electronic registration,It should be reasonable、Full reason,Provides corresponding certification files with legal effect。Students themselves have submitted the application for personal information change,The school submits the corresponding proof materials to the superior authorities,The superior authority is confirmed to pass the validity of the rear。

Article 49  Students who have taught other majors while completing their majors and meet the requirements of the major,The school issued by the school to the Professional Certificate of Society。

Article 50  For the violation of national enrollment regulations,,Cancel its student status,No academic certificate、Degree certificate;、Degree Certificate,Cancel it in accordance with the law。Cheating in pairs、Play、Plagiarism and other academic misconduct or other unproper means obtain an academic certificate、Degree Certificate,Cancel it in accordance with the law。Certificate of withdrawal of the revoked academic qualifications、The degree certificate has been registered,The school will cancel and report to the education administrative department to announce invalidation。

Article 51  Lost or damage of academic qualifications and degree certificates,Apply for myself、School verification,After handling the relevant procedures, the school will issue a corresponding certificate。The certificate has the same effect as the original certificate。

Chapter 10   Attachment  

Article 52  This method is from2017Year9month1Implementation from the day。Original "Administrative Measures for the Student Student Student Student Student Students of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology"[2008]140No.) abolished at the same time。Other relevant documents of the school stipulate that the requirements of the relevant Measures are inconsistent,Taking these measures as the subject。

Article 53  These measures are explained by the Academic Affairs Office.

The President's Office of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology                 2017Year8month23Daily issuance