Dr. Guo Yuanxin, Professor, Dao Dao
Time: 2023-06-13 Author: Views: 4591

w88 sports betting

Guo Yuanxin,1970year9Birth of the month,Zhangye from Zhangye, Gansu。Doctor of Engineering,Professor,Master Student mentor,National registrationQMSandfsmsSystem reviewer,former member of the Academic Committee of Anhui Science and Technology College,Director of the Academic Committee of the School of w88 sports betting Engineering,Director of w88 sports betting Analysis and Inspection Center,Provincial key majorsw88 sports betting Science and EngineeringThe person in charge,The head of the provincial key subject agricultural product storage and processing project and the Anhui Institute of Science and w88 sports betting Director of the Institute of Special Agricultural Products Processing w88 sports betting 。Teaching and research work mainly engaged in agricultural product processing technology and w88 sports betting quality control,w88 sports betting processing technology、Development of bud w88 sports betting ,Especially the enrichment of functional ingredients has a relatively in -depth study。

w88 sports betting appLearning experience

1990.09 - 1994.06University of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry w88 sports betting Storage and transportation and processing of agricultural and livestock productsProfessional, Bachelor of Engineering;

1997.07 - 2005.01 Anhui University of Finance and EconomicsEnterprise Management, Master of Management (Application);

2008.09 - 2011.12 Nanjing Agricultural UniversityDr. w88 sports betting Science, Ph.D. in Engineering;

2013.09 - 2013.12, the University of Bridge Potter in the United States, visiting scholars.

øWork experience

1994.07- 1997.07, Zhangye Sugar Plant Making Sugar Workshop, Assistant Engineer;

1997.08- 2019.01The School of w88 sports betting Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology,His lecturer, associate professor, professor;

2019.01-The School of w88 sports betting , Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, professor

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Driven w88 sports betting science and engineering、w88 sports betting Quality and Safety and related undergraduate majors "w88 sports betting Crafts"、"Grain and Oil Processing Technology"、"Storage and Transportation and Processing of Agricultural Products"、"Oil Crafts"、"w88 sports betting ingredients"、"w88 sports betting Test Design and Statistics Analysis"、"w88 sports betting Quality Control Management"、"w88 sports betting Sensory Evaluation"、"w88 sports betting Safety Management System"、"Grain Processing Technology"、"w88 sports betting Enterprise Management Management"、"w88 sports betting Technology Economics"、Theoretical teaching of courses such as "w88 sports betting Commodity"、Experimental teaching and curriculum internship。Driven Master's Graduate Student "Special Topic of w88 sports betting Quality and Safety Control"、The teaching work of the "w88 slot onlineFood Processing Case Analysis" course。Among them, "w88 sports betting Crafts" is Anhui Provincial Excellent Course,Provincial levelMOOCDemonstration and promotion w88 sports betting .

øw88 sports betting results

Host Natural w88 sports betting Research Project11, of which the Provincial Natural w88 sports betting Foundation2item, provincial major special special1Item, Star Fire Plan1item, the Education Department w88 sports betting 2item. Authorized invention patent6item, practical new type6item, provincial achievements5item, transfer patent1item. Host teaching and w88 sports betting project10, won the school -level w88 sports betting achievement award3item, excellent w88 sports betting award2Item, school multimedia courseware third prize1item. Published academic papers with the first author or communication author30Yu, whereSCIIndex4eiInclude1CSCDCore14.

1, Hosted Scientific w88 sports betting Projects (part)

1) Anhui Province Natural w88 sports betting Foundation:naClCoercion germination bitter collectionγ-w88 sports betting on key genes in the process of amino p -orbid acid (number1808085mc72), start and end time2018-2021, under w88 sports betting .

2) Major specialty of science and w88 sports betting in Anhui Province: endogenous enzyme activation method production high γ-Amino -p -Dittonium rice products key w88 sports betting integration and industrialization (number15CZZ03103), start and end time2015-2017

3) Anhui Natural w88 sports betting Foundation: Salt and low oxygen coercion to cause buds to buck buckwheatγ-w88 sports betting on the Rich Set and Regulation Mechanism (Number1308085mc32), start and end time2013-2015

4) Anhui Provincial Education Department Natural w88 sports betting Research Project: Richγ-Amino -base -lobwarak Panyu Tea Drink (NumberKJ2010B056), start and end time2010-2012, has been ended, excellent.

5) Anhui Provincial Department of Education's Natural Science Research Project: Research on the Track Bart -Bart -Brain Series Health w88 sports betting Processing Technology (Project Approval Number:2005kj318zc), start and end time2005-2007, the question has been completed.

6) National Star Fire Program Project: Sesame oil feet residual oil extraction process and factory production key w88 sports betting research (S2013c300099), start and end time2013-2015Endred questions;

7) Luzhou Science and w88 sports betting Plan Project: Xiaogang Black Bean Deep Processing w88 sports betting Integration and Demonstration, starting and ending time2014.1-2015.12, hasConcluding Questions

8) Bengbu Science and w88 sports betting Plan Project: rich γ-Antonic acid germination glutinous meal rice flour factory production key w88 sports betting research (Genkeee[2013]9No.), start and end time2013.8-2015.7, hasConcluding Questions

9) Bengbu City Social w88 sports betting Planning Project: Bengbu Agricultural Products Processing Industrial Cluster Layout and Development Model Research (Project Approval Number:BB17W002), start and end time2017.1-2017.12

2, scientific w88 sports betting results

1) National Invention Patent:A kind of germination glutinous nutrition rice noodles and its preparation w88 sports betting 201110166784.1, ranked first;

2) National invention patent: rich γ-Antonic acid germination buckwheat medicine diet composite powder and its preparation process,(201410225196.4, ranked first;

3National invention patent: germination glutinous brown rice soybean composite nutrition powder and its production method (201410233051.9),ranking first;

4National invention patent: a high concentration and high stability of one yuan peroxide disinfection agent and its preparation method (201410542587.9, ranked second;

5) National Invention Patent: A rich γ-Eggplant sweet pepper sauce and preparation method of amino p -p -p -amino (201410648204.6, ranked third;

6) National invention patent: a kind of selenium -rich、Processing method of zinc non -fried potato crisp chips201410648244.0), ranked fourth;

7) Provincial achievements: Functional Nutritional Reinforcement Research on Key w88 sports betting of Special Powder Production,Certificate Number:14-345-03, ranked third;

8) Provincial achievements: Send bud bitter buckwheat γ under the coercion of salt and hypoxia-w88 sports betting on the Rich Collection and Regulation Mechanism, Certificate Number:2018F021J000194, ranked first;

9) Provincial achievements: High γ in the production of endogenous enzyme activation method-Amino -base butobuocytic acid bud brown rice key w88 sports betting integration and industrialization,Certificate Number:2018F063Y000730, ranked first;

10) Formulate local standards:DB34/T3124-2018, "Rice-Duck-ZiyunyingTechnical procedures for production of green mode, participate

3, host w88 sports betting w88 sports betting

1) Anhui Provincial Provincial Quality Engineering w88 sports betting : Provincial levelMOOCDemonstration w88 sports betting -w88 sports betting Crafts (Anhui Church Secrets [2016]189No.),2017-2018

2) Anhui Technical Teachers College Teaching and Research Project: Professional High School w88 sports betting Professional& lt;Professional and Technical Course& gt;Curriculum system and w88 sports betting materials w88 sports betting method (w88 sports betting Word[2001] 64No.), starting time2002-2003

3) Teaching and Research Project of Anhui University of Science and Technology: The role of the innovative education system in the reform of w88 sports betting science and engineering、Construction and Practice Study (Teaching Word[2005] 46No.), starting time2005-2006

4) Anhui University of Science and Technology Teaching and Research Project: Construction of School -level Key Course "w88 sports betting Safety and Quality Control"2011]22No.), starting time2011-2012

5) Teaching and Research Project of Anhui University of Science and w88 sports betting :Composition of the application ability of w88 sports betting science and engineering students based on market demand、Training and practice(w88 sports betting characters [2012]36No.), starting time2012-2014

6) Teaching and Research Project of Anhui University of Science and w88 sports betting :Development of w88 sports betting Science and Engineering Professional StandardsX2012117, starting and ending time2013-2014

7The Quality Engineering Project of Anhui University of Science and w88 sports betting :Application sharing class-w88 sports betting Craftxj201337, starting and ending time2014-2016

8) Professional service industrial capacity improvement project: w88 sports betting science and engineering,2013.07-2016.7

9The Quality Engineering Project of Anhui University of Science and w88 sports betting :Specialty professional construction points-w88 sports betting Engineering Majorxj201406, starting and ending time2015-2017

10The Quality Engineering Project of Anhui University of Science and w88 sports betting :Teacher w88 sports betting Development Property Trainer-w88 sports betting professional teacher development ability training(w88 sports betting Approval number:xj201448, starting and ending time2015-2017

4, participate in natural w88 sports betting projects

1) National Natural w88 sports betting Foundation: Gexy Soyγ-w88 sports betting on the Rich Collection and Regulation of Amino (31071581), start and end time2011.1-2013.12(ranking second, mentor first);

2) Anhui Provincial Key Research and Development Plan: Tongling White Ginger Refidary Processing Key w88 sports betting Integration and Industrialization (1704A07020089), start and end time2017-2019(ranked second);

3) National Star Fire Program w88 sports betting : Export -type black bean raw grains standardized production and deep processing key technologies and industrialization (2012 Ga710077), start and end time2012-2013(ranked second);

4National Star Fire Program on the Project: Microwave treatment control warehousing and procedure of grain moldy w88 sports betting (2015ga710020, starting and ending time2015-2017(ranked second);

5Annual focus of the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and w88 sports betting : Functional Nutritional Reinforcement Research (12070303033), start and end time2012-2013(ranked second);

6) Anhui Provincial Department of Education's Natural Science and w88 sports betting Key Project: Development and Industrialization Development of Trinity Noodles of Corn (KJ2008A042C), start and end time2008-2010(ranked second);

7) Bengbu Science and w88 sports betting Plan Project: New Noodle Product Development (2007BK06), time2007(ranked second);

8) Anhui Provincial Department of Education w88 sports betting : Evaluation of Nutritional Value and Product Development (KJ2013Z051), start and end time2013-2014(ranked fourth);

9) Bengbu Science and w88 sports betting Plan Project: Research and Development of Selenium Reinforcement Flour and Products[2012]48No.), Time2012-2013(ranked second).

5, w88 sports betting achievements and awards

1) The role of innovative education system in the reform of w88 sports betting science and engineering is、Construction and practiceThird prize of school -level w88 sports betting achievements (2010year, host)

2) w88 sports betting Engineering Professional Practice Teaching System Construction and ReformThe second prize of the school -level w88 sports betting achievement (2010year, ranking fourth)

3) Study on the Dual Legal Curriculum Model of Vocational EducationThird prize of school -level w88 sports betting achievements (2008year, ranked fifth)

4w88 sports betting Safety and Quality ControlWon the third prize of the school multimedia courseware competition (2010year, rank first)

6、Published main w88 sports betting papers (part,All are the first author or communication author)

[1] Guo yx, Chen H, Song y, Gu ZX,Effects of soaking and AERATION TREATMENT on γ-AMINOBUTYACID Accumulating in Germinated Soybean (Glycine Max l.) [J], EUROPEAN w88 sports betting Research and Technology 2011,(5),787-795.SCI);

[2] Guo yx , yang RQ, Chen H, Song y, GU ZX. Accumulation of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Germinated Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) Xidase Activity Induced by Addictives During Hypoxia [J]. EUROPEAN w88 sports betting Research and Technology. EUROPEAN w88 sports betting Research and Technology 2012,234 (4): 679-687. SCI

[3] yang RQ, GUO YX, wang sf, et al. CA2+ And AminoGuanidine on γ-AminoBUTYACID Accumulation in Germinating Soybean Under Hypoxia – NaCl Stress [J]. drug analysis, 2015,(23): 287-292. SCI, common first author)

[4]GUO YX, zhu yh, Chen CX, ET al. Effects of the AMINOBUTYACID Accumulation in Germinated Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum TATARICUM) [J] emistry ,2016 (ID4576758http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4576758). SCI

[5] Chen Chunxu,Wang Liqin,Guo Yuanxin et al..saltReinforcement against germination brown rice richGaba and the influence of changes in the protein group[j].w88 sports betting Science,2018,39 (5): 87-92. CSCD, Communication Author)(EI,Communication Author)

[6] Zhu Yunhui,Guo Yuanxin*, Du Chuanlai, etc.. Low oxygen combined with salt coercionCA2+Budburn buckwheatGabaThe influence of enrichment[j]. Journal of China w88 sports betting and Oil, 2017,32 (1): 17-22. CSCD, Communication Author)

[7] Zhu Yunhui, Guo Yuanxin*. Budburn bitter buckwheatGabarich and amino acids and other nitrogen -containing changes[j]. w88 sports betting and fermentation industry, 2015, (2): 85-88. CSCD, Communication Author)

[8]Chen Chunxu, Guo Yuanxin*.Change of the physical and chemical characteristics of starch during the spa -buckwheat germination process[j]. w88 sports betting Science, 2015,36 (13): 69-73. CSCD,Communication Author)

[9]Zhu Yunhui, Guo Yuanxin*.Response face method Optimize salt coercion and hair buds buckwheatγ-Cultivation conditions for amino p -p -l -litthel acid[j]. w88 sports betting Science, 2015,36 (19): 96-100. CSCD, Communication Author)

[10] Zhu Yunhui, Yan Hui, Duan Yuanfeng, Guo Yuanxin*.Development of Sprout Bart -Buckwashing Peanut Compound Nutrition Powder[j]. w88 sports betting Industry Technology, 2015, 36 (23): 234-238. CSCD, Communication Author)

[11]Zhu Yunhui,Guo Yuanxin*.w88 sports betting Progress of the Development and Utilization of Buckwheat resources[j]. w88 sports betting Industry Technology, 2014, 35 (24): 360-365. CSCD, Communication Author)

[12]Zhu Yunhui,Guo Yuanxin*. A response face method Optimize germination and buckwheatγ-Cultivation conditions for amino p -p -l -litthel acid[j]. Journal of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry w88 sports betting (Natural Science Edition), 20164411: 141-148. CSCD, Communication Author)

[13] Guo Yuanxin,Zhang Chengzi,Cheng Bing, etc.. During the solem of buckwheatGabaFull of flavonoids and changes in other physiological indicators[j]. Journal of Anhui University of Science and w88 sports betting , 2013,27(2),29-33.

[14] Chen Chunxu,Li Qi,Guo Yuanxin et al.. w88 sports betting on Bud Buckwheat Transcription Group based on high -throughput sequencing[j]. Biotechnology Report, 2016, 32 (7): 1-6. CSCD, Communication Author)

[15] Guo Yuanxin, Song Yu, Yang Runqiang, Chen Hui, Gu Zhenxin.Soybean physiological indicators and during germination processGabaw88 sports betting on changes in material content and other material content[j]. w88 sports betting and fermentation industry, 2011, 37(6)55-59. CSCD

[16] Guo Yuanxin, Yang Runqiang, Gu Zhenxin, Han Yongbin. Use biological conversion w88 sports betting to enrich soy productsγ-w88 sports betting Progress of Aminoic acid[j]. w88 sports betting and fermentation industry,201137(11)154-158. CSCD

[17] Guo Yuanxin, Yang Runqiang, Chen Hui, Song Yu. Gu Zhenxin. Salt coercion rich germination soybeansγ-Process optimization of amino p -l -littrier[j].w88 sports betting Science,2012,3310:1-5。(CSCD

[18] Guo Yuanxin, Sun Peiran, Li Fengxia, Ye Hua. w88 sports betting on the process of germination buckwheat green tea composite beverage[j]. w88 sports betting Industry Technology2012338):271-273. CSCD

[19] Guo Yuanxin,Zhang Bingquan,Ye Hua,Shen Deyan. Based onqfdw88 sports betting on Quality Improvement of Bart -Brainwa Panton Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea[j].w88 sports betting Science,2012,3312: 33-37.CSCD

[20] Guo Yuanxin,. Application of Value -based customer perception value pricing strategies in w88 sports betting companies[j]. w88 sports betting Industry Technology,2008,(10),305-307. (CSCD)

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