Dr. Li Bo, Lecturer, Dao Dao
Time: 2022-06-21 Author: Views: 4606

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Li Bo

Lecturer,Dr.,Member of the Communist Party of China,Yangzhou from Jiangsu,Han nationality,Member of the Food Branch of China Food and Oils Society。

Education experience

2001.092005.06, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, food science and engineering, bachelor.

2009.092012.09, Jiangsu University, Food Science, Master's.

2012.082017.12Jiangnan University, Food Science and Engineering, Doctor.

Work experience

2005.06-2005.12, Nanjing Huayue Grain and Oil Industry Co., Ltd.

2006.08-2008.04, Guangdong Development Bank Nanjing Branch.

2018.01-So far,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Academy of Food (Department of Food Engineering)。

2018.07-So far,National Food and Material Reserve,Security Warehouse and Technology Department,Technology Department,Hanging forgingRefining.

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Mainly engaged in the basic theoretical w88 slot online of grain science and engineering:

1) w88 slot online and Equipment Development of Key Technical w88 slot online and Equipment of Full Grain Food;

2) rice bran、w88 sports betting appgerm、Bran、Basic theoretical w88 slot online and equipment w88 slot online and development of the basic theoretical w88 slot online and equipment development of large grain processing by -products;

3) w88 slot online on oil processing and quality analysis technology.

In the past five years, host and mainly participate in projects above the provincial and ministerial level3Items, host the city -level project1Items (key technologies and equipment w88 slot online and development of all -wheat powder production based on the recovery method),School independent equipment w88 slot online and development project1item, school talent introduction plan1Apply for national invention patents4item (authorized3item), published papers in authoritative academic journals at home and abroad10.

Contact information

Correspondence Address: The School of Food, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu City, Jiangsu Province212004

Email: lib0706@163.com

office phone: 0511-85611073