Dr. Jia Junqiang, Associate Professor, Dao Dao
Time: 2022-06-22 Author: Views: 5103

w88 sports betting

w88 sports betting

Associate Professor, Dr.,Master's tutor, director of the Department of Food Engineering.

Education experience

2016.01~2017.01Singapore National University, visit scholars

2004.09~2009.06,Jiangsu University (Food Sciences,Shuo Bo Lian Reading), Doctor of Engineering

1994.09~1998.07,University of Northwest Agricultural and Forestry w88 sports betting app and Technology w88 sports betting(major in agricultural product storage and transportation and processing),Bachelor of Engineering

Work experience

2009.06~ So far, Jiangsu University of w88 sports betting app and Technology

1998.07~2004.05, Qingdao Liuhe Food Co., Ltd.

w88 sports betting app field

1) The extraction of natural activity substances and biological activity

2) The modification and functional study of biological macromolecules

Main lecture courses

Food Biochemistry (Undergraduate)

Representative theory

[1] jia junqiang, Wu qionGay, yan hui, GUI zhongzheng. Purification and Molecular Docking Study of a Novel Angiotnsin -і Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibital Peptide FRCALASE Olysate of Ultrasonic-Pretreated Silkworm Pupa (bombyx mori) Protein [j]. Process biochemistry, 2015, 50876-883

[2]Jia Junqiang, Wu Qiongying, Xu Jinling, etc.. Silkworm SourceACEInhibit the stability and suppression of peptidesACEdynamics[j]. Journal of Food and Biotechnology, 2013, 32 (8): 875-881.

[4] jia junqiang, Ma Haile, zhao weirui, et al. The user of ultrasound for enzymatic preparation of the ace inhibital peptides from wheat Germ Protein [J]. Food Chemistry., 2010, 119 (1): 336-342.

[6] qiongering wu, xuefen zhang, junqiang jia*, ET Al. Effect of Ultrasonic Pretreatment on WHEY Protein HydrolySis by Alcalase: TheermodyNamic Parameters, Physicochemical Properties and Bioactivities. Process Biochemistry, 2018, 6746-54.

[7]Kuang Cong, Jia Junqiang*, Wu Qiongying, etc.. Ultrasound-The effects of ionic liquid treatment on the activity of the degradation dynamics and its products of the milky protease[j]. Food w88 sports betting app , 2017,38 (23): 32-38.

[8]Yang Dongjian, Jia Junqiang*, Li Shaohui, etc.. w88 sports betting app on molecular docking method1-The mechanism of lowering blood sugar -lowering mechanism of deoxyromycin. Silkworm Industry w88 sports betting app , 2016, 42 (05): 897-900.

Authorized patent

[1]Jia Junqiang, Gui Zhongzheng, Wu Qiongying. A method to use mulberry larvae to cultivate cordyceps,Patent number:zl 201110306713.7. Transferred

[2]Jia Junqiang, Wu Qiongying, Gui Zhong Zheng, Yan Hui. Method of continuous preparation of silkworm pupa protein antioxidant peptide with enzyme membrane reactor,Patent number:ZL 201310137894.4.

[3] Jia Junqiang, Wu Qiongying, Gui Zhong Zheng, Yan Hui, use ultrasound-ionic liquid coupling system prepare silkworm pupa sourceACEMethod of inhibiting peptides, China,ZL201310481430.5

Honor and award

1) Excellent Achievement Award of Scientific w88 sports betting app Achievement Award for Scientific w88 sports betting app Achievement Awards for Higher Education Invention Award,Second Prize,Ministry of Education,2017

2) Instructing undergraduates to win the first national college student Silicon Salva Biotechnology Innovation Competition for the "Oriental Purple Cup",2018

3) Guiding Master Students won the second prize of the first national college student silkworm biotechnology innovation contest for the "Oriental Purple Cup",2018

4) Guide undergraduates to complete the completion of Jiangsu Provincial College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program,2016

5) Excellent instructor of undergraduate innovation projects of Jiangsu University of w88 sports betting app and Technology,2012

2) Zhenjiang City Excellent w88 sports betting app and Technology Paper Third Prize,2011

Main w88 sports betting app projects

1) Ultrasound-ionic liquid coupling rich collection of silkworm pupa sourcesACEInhibitory peptide and its mechanism (BK20126932012.07-2015.12),Jiangsu Province Natural w88 sports betting app Foundation on Face (Host, the topic).

2) Ultrasound collaborative ionic liquid extraction technology is applied in the analysis of mulberry pesticide residues (japp2013-42014.01-2015.12),The Key Laboratory Fund of the Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education (host,Conclusion);

3) Ultrasound-Reinforcement mechanism of hydrophobic ionic liquid coupling treatment of protein enzyme disinfection (31401641, 2015.01-2017.12), National Natural w88 sports betting app Foundation (participant,2/7, the topic).

6) Enzymatic solution of milk source antibacterial peptide-Film separation coupling preparation and w88 online casino bettingits biological activity w88 sports betting app (07kjd180051, 2007.12-2010.12), Jiangsu Provincial University of Natural Sciences (Participants,2/5, the topic).

7) The w88 sports betting app and development of key technologies and functional products and functional products of biological processing of silkworm pupa (be20113892011.7-2013.12), Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural w88 sports betting app and Technology Support Program (Participant,2/10, the topic).

8) Key technical w88 sports betting app and product w88 sports betting app and development of deep processing of silkworm pupa (2012-2, 2012.01-2013.05),Jiangsu Province Cocoon Silk Development Special Fund Project (Participants,2/7, the topic).

9) Silklore resources High -value processing and utilization technology and equipment (201403064, 2014.01-2018.12),Public Welfare Industry (Agriculture) Scientific w88 sports betting app Special fund project (participant,2/7, under w88 sports betting app ).

Contact information

Jiangsu University of Jiangsu University of w88 sports betting app and Technology, Jiangsu University of w88 sports betting app and Technology, Jiangsu Province212004


Tel: 0511-85611073